Food is Your Wonderful Weight Loss Friend

Eating the Right Food for Weight Loss

Eating the Right Food for Weight Loss

We often view food and weight loss as opposing enemies waging a battle for our bodies. But the right foods are actually your best allies in the quest for a slimmer and healthier you.  

Here are 5 tips for making food your friend as you pursue your goal of a healthy and permanent weight loss:

1. Eat protein. A great food friend, protein keeps hunger away longer than fats and carbohydrates can. It also helps burn fat and maintain muscle mass. Lean meat, beans and legumes offer an endless variety of creative and healthy recipe ideas. For snacks, think low fat cheeses, nuts and yogurt. But beware: many yogurts have surprisingly high sugar content. Choose a low fat or non-fat version, and then add your own fruit or granola.

2. Spoon in some spice. Spices not only enhance your food’s natural flavor, they also activate your taste buds. This makes each bite more satisfying, so you’ll actually eat less. When your sweet tooth acts up, try a piece of red-hot candy instead of your typical treat. Your taste buds will love the sugar and spice, and your body will love the low calorie count.  

3. Drink water. Besides its many well-known health benefits, water can also satisfy your appetite–or what you may think is your appetite. Your hungry feeling might really be thirst. Enjoy a refreshing glass of ice cold water before you start swallowing snacks, and you may not need those. Try a flavored carbonated water or something piping hot and herbal, if plain water isn’t your cup of tea.

4. Switch and swap. If you absolutely love tortilla chips, banishing them entirely feels miserable, and usually fails. Shop around for a healthier substitute, such as a no-added-salt variety, or a veggie version. You may discover you enjoy the new taste even more. At meals, serve yourself a little more vegetables and a little less carbs. By merely eating more salad and less bread and pasta, you can swap out an entire dress or pants size in a single year. Think about it.

5. Enjoy your favorites – wisely. For some of our favorite foods (read: dessert), there is no substitute. So enjoy them, but be smart. Buy the smaller ice cream, and only one, even though they’re on sale and the larger one is more cost effective. When you have a hankering for fresh baked brownies, make a pan of them on a weeknight. Indulge in one or two, then cut up the rest, wrap them on a nice plate, and take them to work the next morning. Your colleagues will certainly make sure you don’t eat them all yourself.

The right foods are essential for good health. They’re also your best allies for achieving healthy and permanent weight loss. By partnering wisely with food rather than fighting against it, you’ll make steady strides toward achieving and maintaining your weight loss goal. Along the way, you’ll discover that food is your friend.