Vegan Diet Food

The Raw Food Vegan Diet

Is The Raw Food Vegan Diet Just Another Fad Diet?

There are so many fad diets out there today that it can often be difficult to sift out the good ones from the garbage.

Each diet has its perks and downfalls. In order to determine this we need to examine this diet meticulously and examine the advantages (benefits) and the disadvantages (problems) associated with the raw food diet.

How does the raw food vegan diet measure up in terms of a worthy, safe and practical diet?

Many people think that vegan food is boring, tasteless, and does not allow for much variety. Well, with veganism on the trend nowadays, vegans have so many options today. Now more than ever before they have delicious food to eat and enjoy.

If you have been thinking about going into vegan diets but cannot gather up your courage simply because you are afraid that raw foods will not sustain your needs this article can help you to decide.

The Raw Vegan Diet – Advantages Vs Disadvantages

Vegan diet food Give You Permanent and Real Weight Loss

Now, raw foods wouldnt have to be bland and dull. It is a matter of combining and experimenting with them. In fact, it would be so much fun even if you get your kids involved in your being a vegan mom.

There are many possibilities when it comes to raw and green foods.

The colors and the variety of foods and their nutrients can suit you and your kids up.

When it comes to your health needs, you dont have to get worried. Because, just like what poultry and animal products can give, raw foods or green foods can deliver your nutrient needs just the same.

Vegan diet food Improve Your Digestion

Because vegan diets consist of only plant foods, digestion is tremendously improved as raw foods can be digested quicker than other foods.

IMPORTANT: Just be sure to remember to follow the proper food combination rules to avoid under- or overdoing the expected results.

Vegan diet food Promote Better Sleep

Raw foods are generally easier to digest than other cooked foods.

  • With a vegan diet program, you have better sleep because of the lesser time raw, green foods take to be digested.
  • You dont get tired when you eat pure vegetables, fruits, and nuts.
  • You feel lighter than when you consume burger, pasta, meat products, and other cooked foods. Because of better sleep, you always feel better and ready as you wake up the next day.

Benefits & Advantages Of The Raw Food Diet:


Weight Loss – The raw food diet has been known to accelerate weight loss. During the first few weeks or months of adopting this diet, a person will notice their stomach getting smaller and their overall body fat decreasing. One famous woman named Angela Stokes lost over 155lbs (70kg) on the raw diet. Weight loss is indeed a well-known benefit of the raw food lifestyle.

Heals body – some amazing physical benefits of the raw food diet are increased energy, stronger and healthier hair and nails, a clearing up of acne and other skin disorders, healthy skin, a glowing face, elimination of allergies and elimination of bad body odor.

Treats disease – this diet has proven to prevent, treat or even reverse many chronic diseases such as certain cancers, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and depression.

Zest for life – many persons who adopt this diet profess to have experienced a newfound zest for life. Happiness levels have been reported to have increased drastically also.

Budget – cutting out meat and dairy as well as other standard supermarket foods from ones shopping list will often reduce their weekly food costs. Meat and dairy can be very expensive! You will likely notice a big difference in your grocery shopping, and you will have more money left over to save!

Taste – when fresh food is consumed uncooked it is often packed with natural flavor, perhaps even tastier than its cooked counterparts. Raw food can be sweet, herby, spicy, refreshing, hot or mild, and it has been said to taste amazing. There are many amazing raw food recipes available nowadays (such as desserts, sweets, cakes etc.) that you can create, so feeling deprived of your favorite foods is not possible on this diet!

Is it a rapid weight loss diet?

The raw food diet is renowned for its weight loss potential. When a person eliminates calorie-laden, over-processed, over-cooked, hard-to-digest meat and dairy from their diet and replaces them with natural, raw, plant-based foods – weight loss is clearly inevitable.

One can expect to lose a lot of weight at the beginning of the diet, and thereafter their body will gradually shed unwanted weight in its own time, until a person reaches their ideal weight.

Just like Angela Stokes Monarch who lost 155lbs (70kg) on this lifestyle, with 105lbs (47kg) being shed in the first year, weight loss achieved while being on the raw food diet is very much a reality.

Are the benefits of the raw food diet short-term or long-term?

  • If you go off your diet and re-adopt bad food choices – your results will be short-term (sorry!).
  • If you have the will-power, faith and determination to remain on this diet for a long time, your results will just get better and better.
  • What Do Vegans Eat? Vegan Food Is Not Boring After All!
    • There is a multitude of easy vegan recipes available nowadays to satisfy the tastes and needs of every vegan. Whether it be breakfasts, lunches, dinners, desserts, snacks or healthy treats – you can find an infinite number of recipes to try out. You can clone just about any of your favorite meals and foods if you locate an appropriate recipe to do so!

Even if your diet is comprised of only 75% raw foods, the benefits will still be abundant. Angela Stokes (mentioned above) ate only 75% raw for a few years, and her health continued to improve.

Angela’s endurance and determination enabled her to eventually clear up her candida overgrowth, her acne, her over-active thyroid, psoriasis and of course, her obesity. Indeed, the benefits of the raw food diet can be long-term if given the opportunity.