Beyonce Knowles and Her Experiences With the Master Cleanse Diet

Beyonce Knowles Experiences Master Cleanse Diet

Master Cleanse Diet

The much acclaimed and successful singer, Beyonce Knowles has also joined the league of many other celebrities who followed the Master Cleanse Diets.

The Master Cleanse diet, which is also popular as a lemonade diet, helps in a quick weight loss.

Beyonce resorted to this diet program so that she could get into proper structure and shape for a role in the movie titled Dreamgirls. She portrays the role of a singer who is svelte.

Knowles just had a very short time at her disposal to shed of the extra weight and so she resorted to Master Cleanse diet program.

Beyonce shared her views and experiences she had with the diet on the famous Oprah Winfrey Show in which she featured to market her film. She disclosed the reason why she chose the Master Cleanse Diet.

She chose it because she had very limited time during which she had to get ready for the movie. All in all, she shed 20 pounds of extra weight by following the Master Cleanse Diet.

She also openly discussed the problems she encountered with the Master Cleanse diet. This diet is a strict to follow one and comprises mostly of liquids.

The relative absence of solid food is an aspect that is difficult to accept, and it takes a bit of time to overcome the psychological hunger. But the results one gets at the end of the program are worth the pain.

The Lemonade diet or the Master Cleanse diet is made of a mix of juices, the lime juice, maple syrup, herbal laxative tea and different ingredients which are used in detoxifying the body.

This is to be used for only 10 days.

The diet has been around in different forms over the past few decades and has been followed by many people across the world.

By switching over to this diet, and sharing her experiences Beyonce Knowles has definitely ameliorated the popularity of this already famous and established diet.

If you are on the lookout for a diet that could give instant results, this is a diet that is worth trying.