Lemon Juice Cleanse – The Secret Method Beyonce Used to Lose Over 20 Pounds

Lemon Juice Cleanse Secret Method Beyonce Used to Lose Over 20 Pounds

Beyonce Knowles lost over 20 pounds using the lemon juice cleanse, also known as the master cleanse.

This detox is becoming an ever more popular method of losing weight and flushing out your system of toxins in a healthy manner. Let me walk you through the whys and wherefores of this effective and affordable diet.

The basics of this detox involve drinking a mixture consisting of filtered water, maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper.

From 3 to 10 days you consume nothing but this formula 6 times a day to flush out your colon of all its unwanted poisons and toxins that have been built up over the years of poor nutrition.

At any one time you carry extra weight in your colon from this crap; this diet aims to flush this out.

There are many benefits to this type of cleansing, the least of which is weight loss. Done correctly one can see many improvements once the process has been completed.

  • Your body is continually fighting against the toxins and poisons that are stored in your colon, this energy will be regained once you have purged them, what could you do with this regained energy.
  • You will sleep better as a result and will require less of it, think of the added time in your day, what you could accomplish with a couple extra hours.
  • You will have improved your overall health which will put you in a better mood and increase your stamina.

The most important result for some is the weight loss, you can lose up to 20 pounds with this, over the length of the full 10 cleanse.

The Lemon Juice cleanse is such a beneficial method for losing weight and feeling great that it has taken Hollywood and suburbia by storm.

Most diets the report losses of weight this great are not healthy.

The master cleanse works with your body to lose the weight in a way that will be healthy and provide long term benefits.