Xocoslim The “Chocolate Diet”

Xocoslim weight loss shake plan

Xocoslim Weight Loss Plan

Xocoslim the “Chocolate Diet” is a revolutionary diet based on the health benefits of cacao the main ingredient in Chocolate.

Xocoslim provides a recipe for homemade chocolate that is not only delicious, but leaves out all of the fat and sugar that cancels out the amazing benefits of cacao.

Video Format

Xocoslim uses video format to deliver its content since it is a known fact that we learn much better when we combine audio and visual learning.

These enjoyable videos  will teach you the much ignored benefits of cacao including its amazing antioxidants, appetite suppression, energy boosting and metabolic stimulation.

So what exactly is Xocoslim?

The name Xocoslim, pronounced “Chocoslim”, may look a bit weird it is a fundamentally sound weight loss program that uses knowledge garnered from 1000’s of years of ancient eastern and native American medicine and mixes it with the latest research in nutrition and exercise.

Xocoslim is the result of all of this knowledge applied to weight control and healthy nutrition.

How much weight will I lose?

This is impossible to say.  Weight loss happens at different rates for different people.

But by following the Xocoslim plan to the letter Benjamon, one of Xocoslim’s clients lost 40 lbs. in a little under 3 months.  Another client, Giancarlo lost 26 lbs in 2 months.

What are the fees for Xocoslim?

The good news is that there is only a one time fee for Xocoslim.  You don’t end up paying a monthly fee like some of the big diets charge and you are not stuck eating their food from a cardboard box while paying for it at the rate an expensive restaurant would charge.  So in short, you will lose a lot of weight for a very small amount of money.

What are the drawbacks of Xocoslim?

The biggest draw back would for Xocoslim would be for people who disliked dark chocolate.

Xocoslim’s recipe taste a lot like dark chocolate but it is in the form chocolate pudding and not a candy bar.

Of course there are the drawbacks that every diet has.

You must be willing to follow the plan, no cheating and you must exercise.  But these drawbacks are really benefits if you do them religiously.