Weight Loss Surgery – Choices

Weight Loss Surgery Options and Types

Weight Loss Surgery Options and Types

There may seem little hope when you’ve tried just about every diet and don’t have the energy to go to the gym to burn off that unwanted weight, but there are of course other options.

Photo 14 of 25_1.jpgSome people may turn to cosmetic surgery to get rid of extra weight and this can be useful for overall weight loss or to target certain areas of excess fat.




Below are a few of the options for fast weight reduction:

  • Liposuction – if you have excess fat in areas such as your tummy, thighs or buttocks you can undergo this procedure which involves you receiving a general anesthetic. During the anesthesia the areas of fat will effectively be removed using a small metal tube and vacuum suction. For smaller areas a local anesthetic can be applied meaning you don’t have an overnight stay in hospital.
  • Gastric Bypass surgery – again this surgery is performed under a general anesthetic. During the procedure a small stomach pouch is created meaning you cannot eat as much as you would normally. Also a new opening is made which bypasses a large portion of the small intestine meaning fewer nutrients are absorbed from your food. This procedure can help patients lose up to 75% of their excess body weight within a two year period.
  • o Lap band surgery (Laparoscopic band placement) – as the name suggests a band is placed using keyhole surgery which means there is minimal scarring post operatively. The band is like a belt placed around the stomach which again creates a small pouch which means you will feel fuller more quickly when eating helping you to lose weight. This procedure can help you lose up to 65% of your excess weight within a two year period.

It is of course important that whatever procedure you opt for, you should follow a healthy lifestyle and diet post operatively to ensure the results are long lasting.

If you need to lose a large amount of weight – which is what the latter 2 procedure are designed for – exercising and eating a low fat diet will help quicken the pace at which you lose weight and ensure you keep it that way.