The Low GI Diet: Eat Your Favourite Foods and Normalize Yur Blood Sugar

Normailize Blood Glucose with The low GI diet

Normailize Blood Glucose with The Low GI Diet

There is an increasingly popular family of diets, which use the glycemic index (GI) to control blood sugar levels. One of those is the low gi diet.

Losing weight is a hard goal everybody seeks to accomplish each and every year. The weight loss industry is really immense and powerful, and sells every type of pill, cream, fad diet and lotion possible.

True Lifestyle Changes for Health and Well being

The low gi diet is nothing new (more than 30 years old) and does not require purchasing any sort of diabetes diet foods. A low gi diet is much more than a typical diet, even a low carb diet.

The low gi diet translates into a true change in your lifestyle, health and overal well being.

Theory Behind The Diet

The glycemic index (GI) is based on how quickly carbohydrates affect your blood glucose level, and not only on the carbohydrate content of food itself. High glycemic index in a food means quick digestion and rise of the blood sugar level.

These foods usually lack necessary nutrients or vitamins, and contain excess calories and fats. The low gi diet is good for anyone concerned about their health, especially diabetics and people with overweight.

Carbohydrates break down into the bloodstream and release glucose. Some foods break down faster than others. The GI measures how fast any kind of food breaks down, with 100 representing glucose itself.

  • Low GI foods (55 points or less) release glucose slowly, thus being considered healthier.
  • Medium GI foods (between 56 and 69 points) release glucose faster and are not as healthy as low GI foods.
  • High GI foods (over 70 points) are the least healthy foods, because they release glucose the fastest.

The low gi diet is the only “scientific” diet proven to help you lose weight and at the same time develop durable healthy eating habits, to achieve optimum wellbeing and health and protect yourself against disease.

This diet together with exercise will enable you to lose up to 10% of your current body weight in a period of about 3 months.

How to Maximize The Dieting Efforts

There are in the market (Internet) various good maintenance programs with tips, delicious recipes and meal plans, and tables with the GI values of all your favourite foods.

The result of following a low GI diet will be amazing: a healthier, fitter and slimmer you for the rest of your life. And the process will be enjoyable too, making you feel fuller for longer, and increasing your energy levels while losing weight and sustaining weight loss.