The Glycemic Index of Oatmeal


Oatmeal is still somewhat of a universal food although its heyday is long past. People use it in a large variety of meals, for skin care and even for skin afflictions. It offers soothing relief to self inflicted pains as well such as sunburns, poison ivy or oak afflictions or even just really tired and sore feet! With loads of benefits relating to the glycemic index of oatmeal it seems well worth investigating. So what is it that is so important about the glycemic index of oatmeal anyway?

There are many stories about the important of the glycemic index of oatmeal. There was a farmer who was having serious digestive problems, they told him he may need to consider surgery. Instead he did some research and discovered Steel Cut Oats and found an entire new level of balance and harmony in his life. He stated that after he began eating those oats, his life just ‘straightened out’ and he was able to lower his blood sugar as well. This farmer became a lifelong consumer of steal cut oats I can tell you!

Oat kernels all look very much like wheat in build. They have their own covering of bran which can protect the germ that sits inside the grain. And because the oat kernel is pliable, the nutritious bran is not wasted. Additionally whole grain oats will have seven different B vitamins, nine minerals, vitamin e and even iron and calcium. Oatmeal is beginning to sound like a miraculous food and products.

So if you think you are at least as tough as a farmer then why don’t you take a look around and study how you might benefit from learning more about the glycemic index of oatmeal. Anyone who is truly serious about nutrition should be completely aware of the glycemic index which is basically a list of high ranking carbs which is based upon blood sugar levels in the body.

There are many benefits to retaining a healthy GI diet. Diets high on the GI are positively linked ailments and diseases such as heart disease, our nation’s biggest killer. Foods that have a GI under 60 are considered low GI. The steal cut oats glycemic index is around 42 and regular old fashioned oats ranked at about 50 on the glycemic index of oatmeal. Since all of this has many benefits for all age groups then bring home a bag of oats to your family and get them to wise up with you and get healthy!

By: Jonathan T Edwards

Jonathan is main contributor and co-creator of the new Glycemic Index info based web-site: Get lots more info there on the Glycemic Index of Oatmeal and also check out our free 10-part mini-eCourse, “Glycemic Index Secrets”, it might be all you’ll ever need (and did I mention it was free!!)