The Curves Diet Plan

Curves 30 day weight loss diet plan review

About the Curves Weight Loss Program

Try as we might, we cannot be creative all the time. Not all ideas are original enough and the harder you try, the more difficult it seems to get something decent out of your own head.

This is one of the reasons why some people simply use something that has already been proved to work, add a little twist and try to pass it off as a new idea. The Internet, for instance, is choke full of websites, topics, design concepts and blogs are are nothing more than a poor rehash of a good idea. Diets are like that, too.

This one is not particularly original, despite sustained attempts to come across like a whole new and different idea. The theory behind the diet is that a high-protein, low-carb diet coupled with a lot of exercising will help you build muscle in order to keep metabolism high and burn a lot of calories.

A high metabolism allows you to lose weight faster and to make sure you stay in shape for years, because it will be harder to put on weight in the future. Nothing new here; it looks like a variation of the Atkins diet (or any other low-carb diet for that matter).

Users can choose between two eating plans, depending on which suits them better.

The Carbohydrate-Sensitive Plan reduces the intake of carbs to 20 grams per day for the first two weeks, increasing to 40-60 grams per day after this period.

The second plan is called the Calorie-Sensitive Plan and it focuses on limiting carbs to 60 grams per day and calories to 1,200 for the same two weeks, moving up to 1,600 later on. The second phase of the plan is supposed to last for five weeks or until you’ve reached the desired weight and are preparing to return to normal food.

The eating plan is supplemented by exercises and some recommended vitamins and minerals. However, just like in the case of the Atkins diet, most carbs are off limits for both eating plans, which leaves the user eating a lot of low-fat, high-protein foods in order to keep hunger contained.

This means no bread, no pasta or wholegrains, no fruit and only a few vegetables.

By sticking to this diet you can expect to drop between 6 and 10 pounds during the first two weeks and between 1 and 2 pounds per week in the second phase.

What You Get:

1. Free membership to a weight loss program, including low fat recipes, exercises demonstrations and weight loss information

2. Special e-book helping you to set and achieve your weight loss goals

3. 60 low fat recipes especially good if you take PROACTOL

4. Online aerobic videos

5. Free toning belt

With all this support you will succeed on your way towards your body of dream.

The Curves Weight Loss Program is a calorie-based diet with two basic eating plans and three phases. Dieters choose an eating plan and then follow the guidelines for each phase. They then repeat the process again and again until they reach their goal weight.

The Curves Fitness and Weight Management Plan recommends 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per day and 30 minutes of strength training at a Curves club three days a week. Most Curves offer free weight management classes to members and nonmembers. The classes typically include watching informational videos, weigh-ins and support from others on the diet.