The Anatomy Of An Easy Weight Loss Program


Dieting is hard to do so terms like “easy weight loss program” and “easy weight loss diets” may seem like oxymorons when in reality they are not.  While it is true that easy is a relative term an easy weight loss program can still be found when compared against a traditional slog-it-out low-calorie diet plan.

The anatomy of an easy weight loss program

I guess the first thing that you should include in easy weight loss diets is health and safety.  Sure, you can lose weight fast by using stimulants, appetite suppressants and  crash diets, but you can also lose weight even faster by dieing and where’s the fun in that.  So easy weight loss diets should be safe for your body and not harmful to it.

For instance, rapid weight loss may sound appealing but it can cause complications such as major organ damage, lean muscle loss and increased weight gain once the diet is over with.  None of these outcomes are good in the long run for losing weight and keeping it off.  In a nutshell, easy diet programs should only have rapid weight loss phases that last a couple of weeks and the rest of the time should be spent losing around 2 to 3 pounds a week.

Easy weight loss diets should be learning tools

One of my beefs is these prepackaged diets that B-list celebs are always pitching on TV.  Not because you can’t lose weight with them because you can. My beef is that you do it in a brainless manner.  Open the box and shove the contents down your pie hole and if you eat only what they give you, you will lose weight and a lot of cash.

The problem is that you never had ownership of your weight loss.  You made no decisions concerning your diet, no planning, no menu making, and no portion size choices.  In the end most people gain back the weight they lost on these cardboard box prepackaged diets.

In my blog I write about some excellent diet plans that actually are tools that you use to learn what to eat and how to make good choices and this is what you should look for in an easy weight loss program.  That way you can make many of these changes permanent and never have to diet again the rest of your life.

An easy weight loss program should be flexible

No matter how easy a diet program is, if it can’t fit into your schedule, then it won’t do you any good.  If I am telling you that you need to eat an orange every 2 hours and you are a kindergarten teacher…well you get the picture.  So many people fail to lose weight because they chose plans that don’t fit them, their schedules or their personalities.

Easy weight loss diets should fit your personality.

This is a very important point.  If you are a boot-camp sort of person, you will require a diet plan to be a get-it-done affair but if you are a laid back artsy kind of person, you would want your diet to allow you some wiggle room and cheats in order for it to be an easy weight loss program for you.  If you research well enough and find diets that fit your personality, you can truly find relatively easy weight loss diets. Then you can lose the weight you want and you will keep it off to for the rest of your life.

So to find an easy weight loss program…

Look for diets that are

healthy and safe
teach you about nutrition and exercise
flexible and fit your schedule
diet plans that fit your personality style

These elements will make your next diet one of the easy weight loss diets.