The 1,800 Calorie Diet – Weight Loss For Men 1,800 Calories at a Time

1800 Calorie Diet Weight Loss For Men and Women

Weight Loss For Men – 1,800 Calorie Diet

If you want to lose weight, then the 1,800 calorie diet is the hands-down the absolute fastest way to lose weight. In the title, I said “for men”.

The reason I did this is because the 1,800 calorie diet is popular for men and the 1,200 calorie diet is more popular to women.

This is because approximately 1,200 calories for women and 1,800 calories for men is the absolute bare minimum that each gender can take in consistently and still be in good health.

Since this is the bare minimum amount of calories you can take in, this is the absolute fastest diet to help you lose weight period and stay healthy and safe.

What happens if you take in less calories?

A number of things can happen, but some of the “biggies” are that your body can’t function at that small of an amount of calories, so it starts to make adjustments like lowering your metabolism, storing fat and burning muscle, instead of fat, for energy. It also makes it very difficult for your systems to function properly, and you get sick easier because your immune system is low..

The list goes on and on.

If you want to lose weight fast, it’s important that you do not go below this amount of calories. Actually, with this diet, it is important that every 7 days, you have a cheat day.

It announces to the body that we are not starving, keep burning those calories, keep that metabolism high, drop the weight, and shed the fat.

About The 1,800 Calorie Diet

  1. It’s the fastest way to lose weight, and it should be broken up every 7 days with a cheat day.
  2. Most of your calories should come from lean protein sources.
  3. You have to eat at least 100 grams of carbs per day.
  4. Do not eat less than 1,800 calories on any given day.

Low Clorie Diet Tips

  • Don’t eat “white foods” like white pasta, white potatoes, white flour and white rice.
  • Don’t drink your calories. Stay away from high calorie drinks like beer, wine, soda and juice, except on day 7.
  • Fruits and veggies are extremely low in calories…use these for fillers.
  • Use non-stick spray for cooking instead of high calorie oils.

Although this diet is broken up with cheat days every 7 days, you should still take at least a 1 week break from dieting every month or so. Don’t gain all the weight back, though.

Hopefully, you will have made better eating and increased activity a lifestyle choice and habit.

If you want to make sure that you don’t gain weight during this time, then just increase your calories burned during exercise.