Safe Weight Loss: 3 Ways To Bust Fat Without Pills Or Surgery


Do you sometimes feel frustrated about your weight loss efforts, as if you’re running in circles? There are many things dieters do to sabotage their best intentions – without even realizing it. In this article, you will learn personal trainer recommended and safe ways to lose weight. Forget about plastic surgery, lap bands, or pills. There is no magic bullet, but there are safe weight loss solutions.

1. Trade Dull Cardio Routines In For Muscle-Building Weight Training!

You may be walking on the treadmill for an hour or taking that 45-minute aerobic class every other day only to find out you haven’t been achieving the weight loss you want. Essentially, weight loss occurs when you burn more calories than you take in. By building more muscle mass, your muscles will be busy eating up calories even as you rest. Also, lower body exercises like squats and lunges burn more calories than any type of cardio you can do. Furthermore, weight training helps you keep belly-fat-encouraging hormones like Cortisol at bay to help you lose more weight faster.

2. Drink More Water!

A recent CNN article (“Trying To Lose More Weight? Drink Water,” 8/23/10) suggested that drinking two glasses of water before each meal will help you cut back on your portion size, lose weight faster, and keep it off for a full year. Studies show that people who do this simple task lost an average of 15.5 pounds, compared to those who did not and lost 11 pounds. Water replenishes the body and prevents maladies like headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue, and digestive problems.

3. Combine Carbs With Protein!

This sage-like advice from bariatric center dietitians at Buffalo General Hospital will help you combat seemingly uncontrollable hunger pangs. The dietitians explained it this way: When you eat a carb – be it a piece of bread, a bowl of pasta, a piece of cake, or some type of fruit – your blood sugar level spikes. These blood sugar spikes are associated with unexpected crashes – which, in turn, lead to cravings, sudden hunger pangs, and uncontrolled binging. When you eat a protein, your blood sugar level remains stable. When you eat both together, the protein works with the carb to keep your levels relatively flat.