Reiki Healing for the Body, Mind and Soul


In our modern society people are increasingly taking their health into their own hands and making their own informed choices about what is best for them, rather than relying on Western medicine alone. The current trend for increased well-being is leading people to a mixture of Western and Eastern philosophies. We now more readily accept that physical conditions often have emotional causes, stress being one of the major factors in causing poor health. Reiki is a Japanese healing system that works on the body, mind and soul, creating a natural balance between all three.

Linking the Physical and Emotional

As Reiki healers we are trained to treat the person as a ‘whole’ meaning we look at the physical and emotional bodies and their interconnection.

We have seen through our healing work that certain events in people’s lives have often triggered their conditions. Major traumas in people’s lives will generally manifest as a physical illness eventually. Even seemingly inconsequential events will accumulate over time to create a physical problem. Ailments such as lower back pain, arthritis, stomach disorders (Crohn’s, Celiac, gut permeability etc) can be aggravated and in some cases caused by emotional trauma and stress.

The Main Offender – Stress

Recognising Stress

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below you may be suffering from the effects of stress: trouble sleeping, headaches, constipation, diarrhoea, irritability, lack of energy, lack of concentration, poor appetite or over eating, anger, sadness, higher risk of asthma and arthritis flare-ups, stomach cramping and bloating, skin problems, depression, weight gain or loss, heart problems, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, neck and/or back pain, decrease in sexual desire.

Causes of Stress

Stress begins from the moment you are born when you are first separated from your mother. You become stressed when are you are hungry, need changing, need a hug etc. As you grow up your interactions with other people cause you stress such as: gaining parents and peers approval, succeeding at school, forming relationships, relationship breakdowns, working, not working, commuting, environmental factors (external toxins, tobacco, pollution, alcohol, food), hormonal factors, exams, driving, shopping, having children, losing loved ones, moving house, money and lack of, to mention but a few! Stress attacks us from every direction, everyday, whether we recognise it or not. In some areas stress is perceived as being a positive attribute but in reality you are subjecting your entire body to a chemical attack, creating an imbalance in your normal healthy bodily functions. It is no wonder that so many of us are plagued with so many different illnesses. Any form of change or even imagined change is stressful.

We generally tend to live fast paced lives with ever increasing financial demands. We are brought up to be ambitious and high achievers, focusing on our careers and acquiring material possessions as the answer to our problems. We associate the accumulation of goods with success and well-being. We are always striving for a bigger house, better job, faster car, bigger TV and other status symbols that demonstrate our life’s achievements. We all feel the effects of the pressure and stress we put ourselves under. Many believe that by simply joining a gym or doing a few aerobics classes, they are balancing their physical and emotional needs. To create a balance we need to spend as much time and energy focusing on our emotional needs as we do on our physical needs.

Health and vitality is not about a few token gestures like joining a class or following faddy diets it is a life style issue. Every aspect of your life needs to be considered from your diet to the way you perform every task in your daily life and your interactions with people and circumstances. Everything you do needs to be with conscious awareness of the consequences on yourself and those around you.

Dawn Mellowship is a qualified Reiki practitioner and teacher who has taught active Reiki, in the Usui style to hundreds of students. Dawn is a member of the Reiki Healers and Teachers Society and her website can be found at