Rapid Weight Loss – Easy Tips That Work


Most people who are overweight are interested in rapid weight loss. I will share with you some tips that will help you lose weight quickly, and are safe. Many methods people use to shed pounds quickly are dangerous to your health. These are natural healthy things you can do.

First of all, you do not have to starve yourself, go on silly cabbage soup diets, drink Slim Fast or anything like that for rapid weight loss to happen. There are foods you can add to your diet that burn fat and speed up metabolism. There are also ways that you can change the amounts of food and time that you eat that will train your body to burn fat quickly.


You can still eat the foods you love and lose weight very quickly. Just eat them in moderation! If you are a chocolate lover, eat 1 or 2 pieces of chocolate candy, not half the bag. Love ice cream? Switch to yogurt or fat-free ice cream. Low fat dairy products help trim inches off your waist. This is a proven fact.

Another little tip for rapid weight loss – Add apples and any other fresh fruits and vegetable to your diet. Pectin that is contained in some fruits such as apples are proven in scientific studies to help your body incinerate fat!


Are you one who eats a big breakfast, big lunch and big dinner? This has always been the way most people are trained to eat. This is not effective in helping to shed those pounds fast.

What DOES work is eating smaller meals, and eating them 4 to 5 times per day. Eating smaller portions and keeping food in your body constantly is another way to increase metabolism! Alot of people quit eating much at all, and this has the opposite effect of what you want – your metabolism shuts down, and you lose no weight at all or very little.

If you are interested in learning how to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days, there is a plan that teaches you all about “shifting calories”. This is the most popular and successful diet plan ever, and the great thing about this is that you eat REAL food, and the weight stays off. This plan teaches you how to eat so that your body constantly burns fat.

These are just a few of the tips for rapid weight loss. If you want to learn more about this wonderful plan that lets you eat what you love and lose all the weight you want very quickly, see the authors box below!

By: Toni T

If you’re serious about losing weight, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots plan will teach you all about rapid weight loss – and it’s SUPER easy! Visit The Skinny on Weight Loss for more tips and all the details.