Pregnancy Diets

Pregnancy diets and exercise plans

Most women who research pregnancy diets have more than one goal in mind.

First, there is the baby’s health. Women looking for a nutritional diet to follow during pregnancy want one that provides all the necessary foods and nutrients for a healthy developing baby.

Secondly, they want a diet that addresses their own health and comfort. This usually means gaining just the amount of weight they need for the baby’s health and not one pound more.

Fortunately, the numbers are easy to follow. Pregnant women should take in 2500 calories per day and should gain between 25 to 35 pounds by full term. Just gaining the right amount of weight, however, is not enough.

Equally as important is what foods you are eating.

The bulk of your diet should consist of meats, poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables making sure to include green leafy vegetables, whole grains and dairy. In my opinion this is not a time in your life to stick to a vegan diet.

Supplements alone are not enough.

You need the proper foods.

But what if you’re not exactly in runway model shape starting off your pregnancy? Good news.

You can actually take steps during your pregnancy that will have you in better shape a couple of months after delivery than you were before becoming pregnant.

How do I know this? I did it.

Prior to my pregnancy I was about 18 pounds overweight and not all that well toned.

Within two months after delivering twins, however, I was at my ideal weight and in much better physical shape.

I followed a very simple plan of light exercise along with a good nutritional diet incorporating all the foods I listed above.

A lot of women look at their pregnancy as a time to lay back and eat whatever they want, and worry about getting back in shape sometime after the baby is born.

I’m here to tell you that exactly the opposite is the way to go. Not only for your health but for the health of your baby as well.

The results will be a more comfortable pregnancy, a healthier baby, and a very quick and easy recovery time.