Post Gastric Bypass Diet


When you leave the hospital after your gastric bypass, your doctor will give you a post gastric bypass diet. This diet was designed by specialists in the field of nutrition specifically for your particular type of surgery. It is very important this diet is carefully adhered to. Your body has been in a trauma and needs time to heal. It is very inadvisable not to rush it regardless of how much you feel you have improved.

When you had your gastric bypass surgery, your stomach was reduced to the size of an egg. You will not be able to eat the same amount of food and parts of your stomach and intestines that helped to digest and take the nutrients into your body are now no longer being used. This means you will lose weight because of less calorie intake and because your body will no longer be able to absorb the nutrients it was once able to absorb. This will give you your hoped for long range results if you follow your physicians instructions. This is a good thing. Your lost of weight will take with it many of the problems your body was more than likely having because of the added pressure on the heart and other organs. However, since your body will not be absorbing as many of the needed vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that it needs to keep functioning properly, you will have to make some very important lifestyle changes, the main ones being diet and exercise. In this article, we will be looking more at the aspects of your diet. The diet I will be discussing is suggested by many bypass surgeons, however, if your doctor suggests a diet that varies somewhat from this one, always listen to your attending physician.

For almost a month your post gastric bypass diet will consist of nothing but liquids and semi liquids. The first day after your operation, your nurse will only bring you clear liquid beverages, such as water, fruit juice or some clear diet sodas. If after 24 hours you seem to be having no problems with the clear liquids, you will then be allowed to start having some semi-liquids added to your diet. You should drink them very slowly and if you feel you are having any problems, be sure and inform your nurse or doctor. Your semi-liquid diet will continue for around three weeks after you leave the hospital. With no complications you should be able to leave the hospital in 2 -5 days, according to the surgery you had. Usually you can return home in 2-3 days after laparoscopic surgery, whereas an open gastric bypass will usually be a 4-5 day stay.

Your semi-liquid diet will consist mainly of foods that have a consistency of a thick soup. All fruits and vegetables will have to be thoroughly blended into the required semi-liquid state, and you will need to drink a sufficient amount of low calorie liquids to prevent dehydration. You should always drink slowly to help prevent possible vomiting or reflux. Your stomach is much smaller now and needs to adjust to its new size. As stated earlier it is very important to stay on course with your post gastric bypass diet until your doctor tells you different.

Since your stomach is not large enough to supply your bodies needed nutrients, you diet will need to be supplemented with vitamins and proteins for the rest of your life. For the present you will need to add dry milk powder to almost all of your foods and beverages, and perhaps drink supplements like Carnation instant breakfast for protein. Of course always use non fat products and skim milk. As soon as you are able, your doctor will prescribe some strong multivitamins with added minerals. You will be taking these for the rest of your life to supply your body with the vitamins and minerals that it can no longer supply for itself.

Once your physician thinks you are ready, you can begin your solid food diet. This will usually be 3-4 weeks after your surgery. You will then be able to eat many of the foods you enjoyed before, but many of them will be off limits if you want your long term goals to prevail. This article has spoken more about your diet in general. Your physician will give you written instructions about the diet you need to follow, along with an exact list of what foods are best for you and what foods you should avoid. You do need to remember that diet alone will not achieve your goals. There will other lifestyle changes you will need to make as well.

Our site contains a wealth of information on both gastric bypass and heart bypass surgery. If you are planning on or have already had either of these serious operations, you need to stay informed to reach your long term goals.

http://www.bypasssurgerycomplications.comRobert N. Perry – Builder of websites and writer of content articles.