Paleo Diet Foods ? Learn About the Natural Foods of the Paleo Diet



Paleo diet foods consist of meat and fish, many fruits and vegetables along with a variety of nuts. What is missing on the Paleo diet foods list is processed foods, grains, beans, peanuts, salts and refined sugars. When is comes to beverages water and unsweetened tea is you more common choices as coffee, milk, soda and alcohol are not to be consumed.

As you can see this diet will force to make some changes when it comes to purchasing food. The truth is any good diet is going to consist of some foods and practices that may be foreign to the average person. This is because over the years people have gotten use to eating fast foods or previously prepared process foods containing high amounts of preservatives.

This in turn has lead to a great increase of deadly chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and colon cancer. The foods we eat greatly determine our health and people in today’s world rarely eat healthy instead they eat foods that are fast and convenient.

Paleo diet foods are not all that different than many of the foods we see common today. The main difference is they are prepared fresh to avoid preservatives. Most meats are lean cuts of meat to avoid the addition of additives. Keep in mind as the Paleo diet foods avoids grains so you will not see any foods items created from flour such as breads. Bread is a processed food that ages on a shelf in a market as well as filled with additives like yeast.