New Surgical Approach To Minimize Weight Loss Surgery Scars

The Spider Surgical System Surgery Scars

Minimizing Weight Loss Surgery Scars

Minimally invasive surgical procedures have a number of advantages, including far quicker recovery periods, a reduction in the level of post-operative pain and discomfort, and considerably less scarring.

After receiving FDA approval, the Spider Surgical System was being used in hospitals in March 2010, and is being hailed as a pioneer in the search for minimally invasive surgical techniques.

It also has the potential to cause significant changes in the treatment of patients who need operations in a variety of specialty areas.

A new type of weight loss surgery known as the vertical sleeve gastrectomy, which uses just a single incision through the belly button, has been performed for the first time using the groundbreaking Spider Surgical System.

Weight loss procedures for the morbidly obese are becoming more sophisticated and less invasive.

The Spider system, is one of the newest developments in bariatric surgery, uses a medical device that allows the surgeon to make minimal incisions.

During this operation, a surgeon will use several instruments which are inserted into a dime-sized incision.

TransEnterix Inc. of Durham, North Carolina developed the Spider Surgical System that is being used for bariatric surgery.

This company is actively working on a groundbreaking medical tool called Flexible Laparoscopy.

A press release posted on the company website says:

“Surgeons insert the SPIDER Surgical System through a single incision located within the patient’s belly button.

The system opens up umbrella-like within the abdomen, providing the surgeon with two flexible channels for right- and left-hand instruments with 360-degree range of motion, and two rigid channels for small cameras and other instruments.

Once the procedure is completed, the SPIDER Surgical System closes up and is removed through the same incision.”

While the Spider system was used in the groundbreaking surgery for the vertical sleeve gastrectomy, it has been used before for a different type of bariatric surgery, the laparoscopic adjustable gastric binding, as well as procedures to remove kidneys and the gall bladder, and operations on the colon.

The Spider Surgical System was hailed as one of the “Innovations of the Year” in 2009 by the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons.