Matcha Green Tea for Weight Loss: Superfood Boosting Fat Burning


Matcha green tea for weight loss superfood burning fat

Does Matcha Green Tea Cause Weight Loss?

Matcha green tea powder is “superfood” boosting fat burning. Yes, this healthy beverage drank for over 900 years in China and Japan, is rich in trace minerals, vitamins, fiber, caffeine and most important — catechin polyphenols, tremendous compound with high antioxidant activity.

Study at Tuft’s University show that Matcha tea has 20 times more antioxidants than well-known “super-foods” such as pomegranates or blueberries.

The main poly-phenol in Matcha is EpiGallo-Catechin Gallate or EGCC, known as the most powerful anti-cancer compound (cancer fighter).

Read more: Amazing Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

Matcha Green Tea Weight Loss Research

Research carried out at the University of Colorado found that EGCC concentration in Matcha is 137 times greater than in regular green tea.

A 1999 study, by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, show that, Matcha Green Tea extract, rich in catechins, has Thermogenic properties promoting Fat Burning.

Experts suggest that compounds in Matcha tea other than caffeine are involved in Thermogenesis (heat production or heat increase through metabolic stimulation) process and eventually fat loss.

Although, green tea extract does stimulate Thermogenesis means heat production or heat increase through stimulation of body’s metabolism, yet, resulted fat lose is much greater than can be attributed to caffeine content only presented in Matcha tea.

Studies carried out on group of people show that green tea containing caffeine, significantly increased Thermogenesis in a range of 28% to 77% (depending on dose).

It’s important to outline that caffeine alone did not resulted in such increase of Thermogenesis and resulted weight loss.

Another study found that, Exercising immediately after drinking Matcha Green Tea, resulted in, 25% more fat burning, during exercise.

Both studies suggest: Matcha Green Tea can enhance both Resting Metabolic Rate and Fat Burning!

Based on the results of the study published in International Journal of Obesity (2000) 24, researchers conclude that a synergistic interaction between catechin-polyphenols and caffeine could take place while drinking Matcha tea.

Such interaction is augmenting and prolonging sympathetic stimulation of Thermogenesis, helps burn fat, effect that can be beneficial and most desirable for successful obesity management.

Laboratory studies show that EGCG can boost metabolism and melt fat, and other studies found that EGCG may have effect on the growth of new fat cells and even can stop it.

The studies were carried out on mice and more studies are still needed to confirm that the same effect of fat lose results can be achieved in humans.

Try Superfood Boosting Fat Burning Organic Matcha Green tea powder

How Drinking Matcha Tea Can Benefit Weight Loss

Besides, drinking green tea instead of sugary drinks can be beneficial as you may want to cut on empty calories and enhance weight loss effect.

Drinking a Matcha green tea or Matcha-based drink green tea latte or Matcha smoothie, could not only be healthier but even be wiser decision which in turn may help your weight-loss efforts.