Lose Weight Without Stress? Is The Weight Loss Pill The Answer?

Lose weight get healthy without stress

A couple of years ago I needed some weight loss and I went for a low carbohydrates diet (Atkinson diet). Did it work? Yes but Not!

I did lose weight at first then I had to stop it!

Weight loss with a low-carb diet meant I had to avoid eating a lot of food I liked; I also had to calculate carbohydrates values for whatever mix of food I wanted to eat, every day… forever… yeah right!

‘Not being able to eat what you want’ equals to ‘Stress’ in my book.

Your body goes into starvation mode (when denied carbohydrates) and you feel stressed because there is food you like but you can’t eat due to the self-imposed limits on the amount of carbohydrates you can eat per day. Self inflict torture… weight loss that will never last.

You will go from a happy maybe fat person to an unhappy, stressed, depressed and constipated (no high fiber fruit and vegs) slim person with risks of heart problems, kidney infection and osteoporosis! Wow… what a winner!

For me, weight loss through rigid diets or any type of diet program where I have to count carbohydrates or other values is a no go.

Diets based on one type of food are also a no go. You can never get that to work long term. Can you imagine only eating one thing for the rest of your life? Well you would probably die if you tried.

Only thing left to do was to look for weight loss alternative; I must have researched every miracle diet or miracle pill out there.

Wow, there is some scary stuff out there especially when it comes to weight loss diet pills. Some are totally useless (placebo); some will harm your body more than the weight they may help you lose. Most are not healthy enough to keep using for long time.