Is the Chocolate Diet For Real?


In every good yarn there is a kernel of truth, and a bit of digging is necessary to determine whether or not the chocolate diet is a scam. The bottom line is that every diet on the market has worked for someone, and someone thought to share a success with everyone else. As there is no universal diet, the only universal truth is that you have to find a diet that works for you. The Chocolate Diet is a dieting system produced by Sally Ann Voak, a British author and editor.

The chocolate diet is a reduced calorie, allowing between 1000 and 1300 calories per day for women and men, respectively. As this falls well short of the 1800 to 2000 calorie mark that most healthy adults consume to maintain weight, weight loss is going to ensue.

In addition to calorie reduction the chocolate diet provides a basic exercise plan to aid in weight loss. As with many diets it promotes drinking plenty of water which aids in appetite suppression as well as helping the kidneys remove ketones, a compound released with fat loss.

The purpose of the chocolate diet is to break chocaholics of their addiction and allow them to successfully reintegrate chocolate into their lives so they can satisfy their cravings without capsizing a balanced lifestyle. In addition to the exercise plan and reduced calorie basis, the chocolate diet adds a meditative component to help overcome the psychological basis of chocolate addiction, as well as the physical side effects.

There are some drawbacks to the chocolate diet and some would say with what it lacks that the diet is a scam. The diet calls for dieters to eliminate chocolate for the first week and reintegrate it into their diet in the second and third weeks, reducing chocolate portions. For some the taste of chocolate isn’t enough; some will have to eliminate it entirely.

Second, as with any reduced calorie diet some will feel a sense of starvation or deep hunger. If you are physically active the calorie reductions might be too severe.

Third, this diet is limited in its focus and may not be an effective diet for the non-chocaholics. Lastly this diet lacks a clear transition from dieting to lose weight back to well-balanced diet to maintain weight, opening up the danger of yo-yo weight loss and gain. To determine for yourself whether the chocolate diet is a scam, Sally Ann Voak’s book is still available in many online sites though currently is not available in print.

By: Monty Dayton

If you would like to know more about the chocolate diet please feel free to visit this article to learn more about how to follow this eating plan, or about the chocolate diet in general.Thanks for reading!