How To Find The Best Diet Meal Plan In The World


Searching For The Best

Finding the best diet meal plan in the world is is not easy because of all of the differences there are among human beings.  The best diet meal plan for Chuck over there may not be the one for Christiane because of Gender, lifestyle, differences in taste, affordability, and culture.  That is just a few of the many differences you will run into when you look for the best diet meal plan.  What you can do is find the best diet meal plan for you! I would like to point out some things that will help guide you to the best diet meal plan for you.

Keeping Record

One fantastic way to begin searching for the best diet meal plan is to keep a everyday record of what you eat.  You can begin keeping this even before you begin finding or making the best diet meal plan to follow.  These records will help you in your search for the best diet meal plan you can find.  You should make these records in at least 4 categories.  The first should be how many calories are in the food you eat each day.  Second, the number of glasses of water you drink each day.  Third the amount of grams of fiber you eat every day and fourth the number times you exercise each week and for how long.  You can use a spreadsheet  to keep your records in or just jot them down on a page in a notebook.

Planning the best diet meal plan for yourself

It is time to look good and lose that fat! Fitting nicely into new clothes is a great feeling, of course fitting nicely into your old clothes ain’t that bad either!  Here are some general guide-lines that will help you find the best diet meal plan for yourself.  In the 4 categories we’ve talked about, you should really try to reach certain target numbers. Below I have sketched out what target numbers to start with.  You can always tweak them later as you develop a deeper body sense.

To get the best diet meal plan you should consider calories

Women, Take your current weight in pounds and multiply that number by 12.  This is how many calories you need for maintenance.  To reduce, simply subtract 500 calories from that number.  This is the number of calories per day you can eat and still lose about a pound a week.

For men you should multiply your current weight by 14. That is the number of calories you can eat and still maintain your current weight.  If you reduce this figure by 500, that is how many calories a day you can consume and still lose a pound a week.

These are rough estimates and things like your present weight, your height, your age. your gender, your exercise routine, your health, your body-fat-percentage, your environment, and your resting metabolism all affect your final numbers. Having said that, you need a place to start so use these rules of thumb to find a starting point.

To get the best diet meal plan you should consider water

The best idea here is to drink 6 to 8 eight oz. glasses of water every day.  There are many variables that determine your body’s specific water needs, but if you go with 6 to 8 eight oz. glasses of water a day you will really improve your fat loss and your health in general.  Keep drinking water and wash those toxins and waste from your body.

To get the best diet meal plan you should consider fiber

Fiber is truly a miracle substance from combating certain types of cancer to promoting healthy fat loss, fiber is one of health’s super men.  Make sure your diet includes 30 to 50 grams of fiber every day.  You will lose fat much more quickly, keep regular, and maintain a clean healthy colon.

To get the best diet meal plan you should consider Exercise

Why talk about exercise when we are trying to find the best diet meal plan?  Because exercise will help you burn fat, gain energy, feel healthier, maintain regularity, improve your heart and lung function, and promote fat loss.  Besides you’ll look even better in your clothes (or out of them) with a fit body.

To get the best diet meal plan you should keep records

A nifty way to keep track of your records is to open a spread sheet on your computer. Select 4 columns and then put one of your categories at the top of each column and then as you eat during the day add the correct figures from the foods you are eating.  The spread sheet will keep a running tally so you will know where you stand.  You can also do this on paper and use a calculator to keep your running totals.  No matter which way you do it make sure you do it.  Keep your numbers at their target levels.

To get the best diet meal plan you should allow “cheating”

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.  And that is true with dieting.  Your plan should have controlled cheating, in fact one of the best commercial diets online allows for eating fast foods, and treats.  It all in the balance.  You just need to learn how to control it and stay balanced.