Eat Yourself Silly Even After Weight Loss Surgery


It is unlikely that a picky food-fusser will ever require bariatric surgery for the treatment of morbid obesity. The fact is, people who become morbidly obese generally have one thing in common: we love food. After weight loss surgery we are greatly restricted in the amount of food we can eat. For some this restriction robs the joy from eating. Others invent a new way to enjoy food and they eat for joy, love, and pure silliness. Take a lesson from them and eat yourself silly, even after weight loss surgery.

How You Can Eat Yourself Silly After Weight Loss Surgery?

Studies confirm what most of us have known all along: simple food, an uncomplicated setting, relaxed pace and laughter; they all make for improved health and and a brighter outlook on life. As weight loss surgery patients we tend to think a lot about food: what we can have; what is forbidden; what causes weight loss and what causes weight gain. But consider this, what if we stop thinking so hard and start enjoying the simple pure pleasures of eating well? What if we eat ourselves silly? Try these ideas and eat yourself silly after weight loss surgery:

Keep it simple: Fresh fruits and vegetables, simple preparation and thoughtful presentation allow total enjoyment of good food. In this complicated world simplicity is serenity. Focus more on color, texture and the freshness of your food rather than the quantity or the next bite.

Be present: Enjoy your food with awareness and gratitude. Savor each bite. Celebrate the act of feeding your body well. Eliminate distractions, especially electronic devices, so you may focus totally on the meal at hand.

Be worthy: Providing your body with clean, fresh nutritious food is a gift that you deserve. Eating unhealthy processed food is a punishment that you do not deserve. Be kind to yourself: you deserve it.

Enjoy variety: Bored palates crave processed carbohydrates. Keep your palate happy with abundant variety. For a nutritionally complete meal pair sweet fresh fruit or crisp colorful vegetables with clean protein. Try new food and new combinations of the food you love. Be fearless in your experimenting. If it goes great you have a new favorite, if it goes wrong it is only food – it is not a catastrophe.

Be informed: Learn about vitamins and nutrients and the natural sources from which to derive them. Fortify your immune system by including as many natural nutrients in your diet as possible. The cliche “eat to live, not live to eat” may well be applied here.

Be happy: Happiness is not a destination; happiness is the ride. One happy thought leads to another: indulge the things that bring you joy. Throw your head back and laugh. Be silly. It feels good!

Kaye Bailey (c) – All Rights ReservedFor more terrific weight loss surgery friendly recipes link to LivingAfterWLS Kitchen
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