Dukan Diet Success Secrets

Dukan diet success results secrets

Dukan Diet Success

The Dukan diet has transformed the lives of millions of people, by helping them to lose weight and just as importantly, to keep it off.

Dr Pierre Dukan, the founder of the diet plan, definitely knew what he was doing when he designed this diet.

One of the things that he did was to make the first phase the attack phase a period where you would lose a lot of weight fast, so that you would be encouraged to stick to the diet.

Another great aspect of the diet is that there are four distinct phases. This is good psychologically because as you progress through each stage you will have a feeling of satisfaction, that will encourage you to progress to the next stage.

The Attack Phase

As mentioned the attack phase is the first stage of the diet, where you only eat lean protein foods such as fish and you will lose the most weight in this phase.

A lot of people lose at least four pounds in the first week of the attack phase, this will encourage you to continue to the other phases, where you will add to your initial success.

The Cruise Phase

During the cruise phase you will eat lean meats each day, but you can add vegetables every other day.

This is good, because it adds variety to your diet and you will still lose weight, probably around two pounds a week on average.

In this phase you can diet down to your ideal weight.

The Consolidation Phase

The consolidation phase is a phase where you will have reached your target weight. That is a great feeling and now you want to make sure you do not put weight back on, so this phase will help you achieve that goal.

This is achievable because you can eat as much protein and as many vegetables as you wish.

You can also eat one portion of fruit a day and two slices of whole grain bread per day. You are also allowed a “celebration meal” once per week, which can be anything you like.

This is great because it allows you some freedom.

The Stabilization Phase

The stabilization phase is the final part of the diet. You will have benefited from reaching your target weight by now and this phase will help to keep you there.

You must ensure that you eat just protein one day each week, but for the rest of the week you can eat whatever you like.

Once you have reached this stage, your self discipline will have been strengthened and you will find it easier to keep to this diet.

I think the four stages are part of the secret of the success of this diet.

Especially starting off with the attack phase that will help you to lose a lot of weight rapidly and encourage you to continue with your diet.

With all diets it is always a benefit if you can talk to others and share your questions with them.

I think it is a good idea to check the Dukan diet forums and Dukan diet blogs to help you to find out how others are feeling and share your thoughts with them whilst on the Dukan diet.