Diabetic Diet – 10 Healthiest Foods For Diabetics


Most diabetics are in search of fruits and vegetables that are healthiest for diabetics. This article would be helpful for all those diabetics who want to increase their knowledge about diabetic diet.

Diabetics Must Avoid The Following Foods

The diabetics must try to stay away from these foods

Diabetics must stay away from artificial sweeteners, honey and table sugar. If it is essential to take a sweetening flavor then it better to try Stevia. If omitting the sugar from the diet plan suddenly is difficult then try by reducing the amount of sugar gradually. The diabetics must stay away from chocolates as well as sweets. If occasionally it is essential to take chocolate then it is better to try dark chocolate that contains solid cocoa in it. Never select the chocolates in which the top in the list of ingredients is sugar. Those foods must also be avoided that contain ingredients that end in “ose” or “ol”. These indicate different families of carbohydrates like glucose, fructose and dextrose Diabetics must stay away from bakery items like pies, cakes, biscuits, breakfast cereals, rye, corn, barley It is generally recommended that diabetics should eat plenty of vegetables; however they should stay away from vegetables that are high in starch. The examples of such vegetables are peas, parsnips, beans, beet, carrots and potatoes. Diabetics must also stay away from fruits like banana, watermelon, sugarcane, and chikoos. Milk should be taken only in moderation. Full fat yogurt and cheese must be avoided. Plenty of tea and coffee must be avoided and try to add the minimum amount of sugar in it. Commercially packaged foods must be avoided at all cases. Limit the amount of fresh juices. These are highly concentrated with sugar and carbohydrates. It is good to dilute one part of juice with 3 parts of plain water. Saturated fats must be avoided. The examples are lard, butter and full fat dairy products. Unsaturated fats are better like canola oil, olive oil, sunflower oil. Cottage cheese is also not healthier. Following is the list of foods for diabetics to eat. Fruits are healthier for diabetics. The names of some good fruits are lime, peaches and grapefruit. The fruits must be divided into five equal portions that are equally spread throughout the day. This helps to avoid sudden rise and fall in blood sugar levels. Diet high in fiber is good for diabetics. The examples are seeds, pulses, nuts, fruits and cereals. High finer diets not only lower down the level of glucose but also lower down the level of blood cholesterol. It is good to consume whole grain foods instead of processed foods. The examples are brown rice, whole wheat spaghetti and brown rice. Beef and lamb must be consumed only once or twice a week. Organ meets like heart, liver and kidneys can be consumed once a week to fulfill vitamin deficiency. White meat like chicken, duck, fish and poultry are good for diabetics. Seafood and fish of all types is good for diabetics. It is good to steam, bake, grill or boil fish instead of frying it. Prefer only nonfat products like nonfat cheese, skimmed milk and yogurt. Egg is fine but it is better to tae only for example white and not it’s yellow. All types of cheese are good for diabetics but try to avoid cottage cheese. Vegetables are good but best vegetables are garlic and onion.

By: Mazher Iqbal

If you want to have a free diabetic meal plan specifically designed according to your personal requirement check 10 Healthiest Foods For Diabetics. This list will help to design a meal plan that has the ability to control the Signs Of Diabetes in a way that you’ll end saying where is my blood sugar?