Cookie Diet – How Dr Siegal’s Diet Cookies Work

Dr. Siegal's Cookie Diet Review

Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet Review

Have you tried the cookie diet? If you asked that question in the 70’s or 80’s you would probably be laughed at.

Putting the words cookie and diet in the same sentence seems to be an oxymoron even in today’s society.

So why are so many people trying this so called cookie diet? Well, that’s because getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar has never helped you lose weight.

The Evolution of The Cookie Program

In 1975 Dr. Sanford Siegal spent a lot of time trying to help his patients reach and maintain a healthy weight.

While studying his patients he came to the realization of one simple fact. Hunger can ruin a diet. With a bit of experimenting,

Dr. Siegal discovered that combining certain proteins / amino-acids could control the hunger of his patients. The program was born.

Over the next 30 years, Dr. Siegal’s program would garner the attention of major media outlets including Good Morning America, CNN, Fox News, and more.

The program would also get attention from many nutritionists and dietitians who felt the rapid weight loss experienced while on the cookie diet can be dangerous (15 lbs a month).

Dietitians also feel the lack of variety could lead some dieters down a path to binge eating.

How Does The Program Work?

Each Dr. Siegal Cookie contains a blend of protein amino-acids that are designed to slow digestion and help suppress the appetite.

In conjunction with the cookie diet, a balanced meal should be consumed for dinner (usually a lean meat and vegetables).

The cookies themselves are edible however dieters should not expect miracles in the taste department.

The concept of this diet is very simple. The instructions included with the program are “when hungry, eat a cookie”.