Aromatherapy Skin Care – Refill your Beauty Without Losing the Tenderness of your Skin!


Aromatherapy is an art of healing without hurting yourself. Ever since this aroma therapy healing and medication came into picture, the first popular aromatherapy was skin care. Aromatherapy skin care is attained by using natural oils and herbs to gain optimal skin health and beauty.

Aromatherapy skin care products are not made of any artificial elements which will damage the sensitivity of the skin. Every person has their own skin needs depending on age and skin type.

Aromatherapy skin care differs from person to person. So, some combination of oils is made to reach the need of the individual. The combination of oils is referred as aromatherapy skin care solution.

Starting the aromatherapy skin care treatment:

Before you start the aroma treatment on your skin, you need a small brush up i.e. the skin must be properly cleaned with a combination of vitamin E oil and seaweed (marine plant). This combination helps to remove the make up on the skin and debris on the outer layer of the skin. This process is necessary to prepare the skin for aromatherapy.

The key to aromatherapy skin care is to match the individual skin type with the essential oils and enhance the beauty of the skin with these benefits.

Applying oils to the skin is in the form of massage oils, mineral baths and sprays. Specific oil is not used all times. Choose the oil which suits your ideology or mood. The below research will help you:

• Lavender: Balancing, soothing, normalizing and clarifying the skin.

Neelima Reddy, author of this article writes for

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