A Foolproof Fat Loss Diet That Will Work For Everybody

Foolproof Weight loss program for everyone

Fat Loss Diet That Works For Everyone

People seem to make setting up a fat loss diet more complicated than it needs to be. A fat loss diet that works every time is to eat less calories than what you burn. If you do this, you will lose fat!

The problem is that people seem to make this more complicated than they need to.


Tips for Foolproof Weight Loss Program

TIP: You Need To Know How Many Calories You Burn to Set Up Your Fat Loss Diet

Your Basic Metabolic Rate, or BMR, is how many calories you burn each day just by being alive. This doesn’t include calories burned by activities. A rough estimate of BMR is simply your body weight multiplied by 10. Knowing this number is crucial in setting up a great fat loss diet. If you want to know a much more accurate number do a Google search for “BMR calculator”.

TIP: How Many Calories to Consume on Your Fat Loss Diet

So to setup your fat loss diet, you will need to eat less than you burn. If you are active, you will burn more than your BMR. To make sure your fat loss diet is successful, however, let’s assume that you won’t burn more than your BMR
number. So if you weigh 150 pounds and your BMR is 1,500, then you will want to insure your fat loss diet is setup to where you eat less than 1,500 calories per day.

TIP: What Type of Foods to Consume on Your Fat Loss Diet

Many people get hung up on carbs vs protein and ratios of each, etc. If you simply focus on total calories consumed each day your fat loss diet will be successful. A tip I use in setting up a fat loss diet, is to do a Google search for “calories of common foods”. Keep it simple and chose low calorie foods that you enjoy and include them in your fat loss diet.

TIP: How Many Meals Should You Aim for in Your Fat Loss Diet

Again, people get obsessive about how many meals to eat each day. Remember a good fat loss diet is about creating a calorie deficit, so that should be your main focus. If you naturally like to eat many meals throughout the day, then eat 5-6 times per day. If you do better just eating 3-4 times per day, then setup your fat loss diet in that manner. A good fat loss diet is flexible, since people differ in their eating patterns. I do better if I stick to just 3
meals each day and I have been very successful at losing body fat.

TIP: What to Do When You Get Hungry During Your Fat Loss Diet

The hardest part of a fat loss diet is the first week or two. You will get hungry. Some things that have helped me in the past is to eat a Fuji Apple before a meal. The pectin seems to fill your stomach and it doesn’t take much food to feel “full”. I also drink 2-3 cups of green tea instead of snacking in between meals. The tea gives you energy, is healthy, and is a natural appetite suppressant.

Stick with the basics and your fat loss diet will be successful!