Menopause – Weight Gain – Anxiety – Stress – Depression? Exercise Is The Answer

Exercise to Beat Menopause fast weight loss tips for women

Exercise to Beat Menopause Signs

Exercise. Every weight loss pill; drink or plan touts the benefits of their program. But, each one tells you in fine print that the program must be combined with exercise.

Of course, the only real way to lose weight is to take in less calories and burn more. This is true. It has always been true. It will always be true.

Whether you are menopausal or not. Really, the advice is the same. But, menopausal women have a lot more to gain from exercise than just weight loss. It’s strange, but the one thing that helps us all, in so many ways, is the hardest thing to get in the habit of doing.

  • Exercise. Once in the habit, it is so easy to slip back out.
  • Exercise is really a mental and discipline challenge, more, or as much as, a physical challenge.

It just doesn’t work to plan on starting tomorrow.

Today. That’s the battle cry. “I am going to start today”. Right Now.

We know it’s important, but is it especially important for women going through the stages of menopause? Absolutely.

Due to hormonal changes causing mood swings.

Menopausal women are coping often with stress, anxiety and depression. Just as in men and younger women, exercise itself is a stress release, a mood enhancer and an anxiety suppressor.

Benefits of regular exercise

  • It enhances muscle tone, flexibility and your strength
  • It instills a sense of calm and wellbeing, which improves one’s self-esteem
  • Promotes increased energy and aids concentration
  • It decreases anxiety and depression
  • It relaxes, revitalizes and can diminish muscular and mental stresses and tensions
  • Weight bearing exercise such as walking, dancing, and stair-climbing improve and maintain healthy bones.

Preventing Medical Conditions

There is also less chance of developing the following conditions:

  • Colon and breast cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis

For general wellbeing there is nothing better than exercise. Endorphins are released naturally as you workout improving your mood, outlook on life, and general longevity.

Exercise and Menopause

Another dreaded side effect to the menopause is weight gain, (oh joy!) especially around the stomach area where some women will add an extra ten to fifteen pounds. Weight often shifts from the thighs and hips to the stomach; making more of an apple-shape as opposed to the more common pear.

It is said that once women reach their late thirties they can expect to gain one pound each year until their mid-sixties! You don’t have to let that happen of course, just twenty to thirty minutes of exercise a day can break the one-pound-a-year trend, and may even result in weight loss.

Recommended Types of Exercise

I’m afraid the excuse of not being able to afford astronomical gym prices is not going to cut the mustard! All you need is a decent pair of sneakers, the will and drive to improve your health, and a little time carved out of your daily schedule.

Aerobics exercise is fantastic for the heart and controlling your weight, and depending on which type you choose it could even be enjoyable. Here’s some fun examples of aerobics activities:

  • Salsa dancing
  • Ice skating
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • Skipping
  • Rollerblading
  • Running, jogging and walking

Isometric and Anaerobic exercises tone your muscles and increase your overall stamina. It also stops muscle turning to fat, making us much weaker as we age. Some classic examples are:

  • Tai Chi
  • Calisthenics
  • Yoga
  • Weight lifting

Finding the will and commitment to do this regularly will no doubt be your biggest hurdle. (Don’t worry, you’re not alone) Once you overcome the mental obstacles, your daily regime will not only get easier, it will become enjoyable.

Think of what our bodies were asked to do up to the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th century.

The days of the human life were filled with physical activity. Walking, lifting, carrying and more.

Exercise done properly can only be a good thing. If the idea of getting a better night’s sleep and controlling your sweating has you limbering-up as you read this, then do continue for more health benefits to inspire you.

When we are stressed, anxious or afraid our body dumps adrenalin, the natural stimulant, into our system to help us fight or run away from what is threatening us.