Obesity and Exercise

Obesity and Exercise

obesity-exercise-problems The simple common sense is — Eating too much can lead to weight gain and obesity, and unfortunately more and more of US population get obese.The lack of physical activity also leads to weight gain and obesity — again common sense. The recent research say, in order to lose weight we need to cut our daily caloric intake and reduce portion sizes.

However, these claims are not entirely correct and somehow even misleading.

Obesity and Exercise: Facts

The weight gain isn’t caused only by overeating… A regular physical activity and exercise is as important as calorie restriction.

There are many studies indicating that US population isn’t meeting the minimum daily exercise requirements – at least 30 minutes of regular exercise 4-5 times a week.

So, the lack of exercise not only contributes to weight gain and obesity, it also worsens your overall health: increased blood pressure, elevated cholesterol levels, slower bowel movement, diabetes 2, different kinds of cancers all these significantly could be reduced with regular physical activity …

Any kind of physical activity that increase your calorie spent is better than nothing and can benefit your health.

Obesity and Exercise: Lafestyle Adjustments

Healthy lifestyle is the secret to longer and healthier life.

Not smoking, regular exercise, maintaining normal weight, and avoiding diabetes and high blood pressure seem to be the secrets for happier life.

If you’re obese or overweight and you are looking for realistic ways to lose extra pounds, you have to be dedicated when it comes to exercise. You can hear people talking about exercise and urging you to do it, but they aren’t telling you exactly what to do if you can’t do traditional exercises?

The key is to find something you enjoy, something that is comfortable for you, and something you’ll continue to do over time.

The key is starting slow and gradually increasing the amount of physical activity. It’s well known that walking is one of the easiest and best exercises that anyone can do.

You can start working on your problem of Obesity and exercise can be only  the first step.

Don’t fall into mistaken thinking that exercise only means going to the gym. No, you just choose physical activity you can do and do it regularly to help you burn calories, lower blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels in your blood.

Read more …

Obesity and exercise: recommended exercises

Obesity and exercise: exercising at home