Obesity in Men


Obesity is the state of carrying extra fats on your body. It is something far above than gaining few extra pounds; it hinders your daily activities and strikes your health in the worst possible way; both physically and physiologically. While it is a common issue for men and women yet a greater percentage of the obese people, is attributed to male population.

Who is obese? Whether you are obese or not depends upon your weight with respect to your height – a measure called BMI (Body Mass Index). BMI is calculated by taking the weight of a person in pounds and then dividing it by his height (in inches). The resulting number is called BMI of that specific person. A BMI less than 14 is considered to be underweight. A value of 25 is considered to be overweight whereas if the number exceeds 30 the person is obese.

What are the reasons? Obesity is found to be one of the prevalent trends these days. Different surveys indicate alarming figures with more and more people to fall a prey to the condition that is referred as the mother of many other diseases. Reasons could be many; changing lifestyle being the basic reason. Advancement in technology has though made our lives quite easy and we now find each and everything at our desktop yet the trend is an alarming one. People are more active ‘virtually’ than actually. Another reason is the wrong dietary habits for which junk food makes the biggest culprit. Stress and strain is also found to be controlling the way we eat and digest.

Why you should lose weight? Obesity though may not be considered a disease in itself by many yet it surely is a disease and the one that poses many hazards to our health. Obesity for instance, is one of the basic reasons for cardiovascular diseases. Greater storage of fats in the body leads to high blood pressure and relatively higher levels of cholesterol. It is possible that the extra fats accumulate on the arteries that supply blood to the body thus leading to heart attack. It is also found to be affecting your blood sugar level as the extra pounds on your body hinder the production of hormone called insulin that controls the sugar level of blood. That is the reason type II diabetes is common in obese people. Not only this, obese people are more prone to prostate cancer and infertility. Another reason for which one should consider losing weight is the lower level of self confidence which is a common observation in obese people.

What are the remedies available? You may find it very difficult to lose weight yet there are many options available that you can avail – the only thing you need is a strong conviction to have a slim and trim body. There are many diet plans available that can help you fight the hunger. You can take the help of your physician also who can prescribe weight loss pills that match the best with your body chemistry. Changing your dietary habits, implying a rigorous exercise plan yet are the must have a weight loss program.

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