Diabetes Diet That Helps Diabetics Live Longer


Diabetes diet is one factor that should diabetic patients should never overlook. Diet is a form of medicine. Food is the most natural medicine on earth. One cannot talk about diabetes without talking about food and dietary habits. Food is a major factor in any illness. This is especially true in the case of diabetes. Any treatment of diabetes should begin with proper food combination. It is good to note that drugs do not cure any illness. Drugs only help to strengthen the immune system and aid the system in fighting against illness.

Some diabetic patients have always reasoned that diabetic drugs can cure their illness. Such people give less attention to the kind of food they eat and how they eat it. Most of the sufferers of diabetes are mislead by some kind of ‘medical recommendation’ that mandates them to eat plenty of meat, beans, plantain and avoid yam, cassava, honey, fruits and sugar.” At most cases, when I ask them how many times they eat in a day, they would respond twice or thrice a day.

As a diabetic, it is not good for you to eat only twice or thrice daily, for such meal is often heavy. If you take a heavy meal even once a day, your sugar level will rise, because there is insufficient insulin in the body to metabolize the food. The secret is to eat a little as often as you wish. In other words, eat five or six times daily, but just a little at a time. Failure to observe this simple diabetes diet rule has sent many diabetics to their grave. Despite all the complicated and expensive diabetes medications, they did not get better. Taking proper diabetes diet

Our food consists of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. To be healthy, we need to maintain a balance of these nutrients in our diet. Carbohydrates include sugar, starch, cassava, yam, rice etc. Protein is found in meat, fish, eggs, milk, beans, etc. Saturated fats are found in butter, coconut oil, palm oil, fish, meat and eggs. This kind of fats is dangerous for the system and can lead to heart disease. Unsaturated fats, which are derived from groundnut oil, Soya bean oil, cotton seed oil and Castor oil, are healthier.

Fruits also provides the one of the richest diabetes diet. Vitamins and minerals come mainly from fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that these fruits and vegetables are best when taken in their natural state. Raw vegetables are more nourishing than cooked ones. So often, I hear diabetics say that they have been told to abstain from eating fruits like paw paw, banana and oranges, as well as all natural juices like honey. The sugar in honey is pre-digested and cannot be compared to artificial, refined honey sold in the stores. The sugar in honey is only 70%, even though it has a very sugary taste.

If diabetics do not eat fruit, how can they survive? What is bad is not the fruit itself, but the manner of eating it. Diabetic patients should not combine fruits with any other food. This is one mistake which so many diabetic patients make.

Diabetes diets should involve eating plenty of onions, carrots, garlic and ginger. As much as possible, eat green vegetables in their natural state. Green leaves such as bitter leaf and paw paw leaves are very good for the body. So often, people squeeze out the bitterness from these leaves before preparing their meal, thereby rendering the leaves useless. The bitterness is what actually makes the leaves medicinal. Okra is a very good for diabetes diet that tend to meet the requirements to counter the scrunching effects of diabetes.

In as much as diabetes diet guidelines are fashioned based on some basic principles, the best diet plan for a particular diabetic patient are best achieved by getting in touch with a nutritionist that has an in depth knowledge of diabetes experience.

Diabetic patients have always been bothered by possible easy diabetes control measures that will enable them get on with their life.Below are few sure diabetes control, prevention and management tips that will help you put the problem of diabetes to a reasonable level, if not cured entirely:• Dietary management. In general principle, dietary measures are required in the treatment of all diabetic patients in order to achieve the overall therapeutic goal.• Endeavor to exercise yourself as much as possible.• Then grab the much talked about Diabetes Control Made Easy Guide. A 100% safe, natural, and effective ways you can manage and even fully recover from your diabetes in as little as 90 days … and so that you never have to take insulin again, or have to suffer painfully dull diets even again!Check the links below for useful Diabetes Management Tips your doctor does not want you to see.

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