What is a Good Colon Cleansing Diet?

Colon Cleansing Diet plan

Many people are aware that the buildup of toxins in the colon can lead to variety of ailments. Accordingly, many people want to know about a good colon cleansing diet. In reality, a good colon cleansing diet is not really different from the healthy diets that most people all ready know about. Most people all ready know the foods that they should be eating and those that they should be avoiding. As it turns out, a good colon cleansing diet is based pretty much on those same foods.

The purpose of keeping the colon clean is to remove harmful toxins from the colon. Every day, our bodies are exposed to many toxins. The sources of those toxins come from the air we breath, the foods we eat, and our bad habits. Normally, our bodies do a good job of eliminating toxins through a variety of bodily processes. One of those main processes is through bowel movements. Therefore, toxins are always passing through the colon. If those toxins are not removed in a timely manner and are permitted to build up, many negative health effects can occur. Bloating, lethargy, and abdominal pain, among other things, can be the result of toxin build up in the colon.

To avoid the negative health effects of toxin buildup in the colon, many people over the years have tried to devise various colon cleansing diets. Now some of the diets are pretty kooky. For instance, many of the diets call for people to only drink fluids for several days. One such diet is the Master Cleanse Diet, which is also known as the Lemonade Diet. The fact is, however, that the human body needs food. Furthermore, the human body has developed from several thousand years of evolution, so it is very efficient most of the time at removing toxins found from many of the foods we eat.

Today, the problem is that we consume many foods that were unknown to our ancient ancestors. Our forbears did not consume things like white flour, refined sugar, and other processed foods. Nor did they consume fried foods. Accordingly, our bodies did not develop to efficiently remove toxins from those foods. Therefore, a good colon cleansing diet will minimize the intake of white flour, refined sugar, and processed foods.

Most people know that fruits and vegetables are good for them for many reasons. Well, as it turns out, fruits and vegetables are good for the colon as well. Both generally contain high amount of anti-oxidants and fiber. Both are key in maintaining a healthy colon. Accordingly,people should eat lots fruits and vegetables to keep their colon free of toxins.

Whole grains are also a key component to a good colon cleansing diet. Like fruits and vegetables, they contain a good amount of anti-oxidants. They are also a good source of fiber.

Another important component to a good colon cleansing diet is water. Dehydration can cause constipation. When constipation occurs, toxins can not be eliminated. Therefore, people should drink plenty of water to avoid constipation. Water also helps to flush out toxins from the colon.

The intake of red meat should be limited. Too much red meat can increase the toxicity level in the colon. Both chicken and fish are O.K. Some colon cleansing diets recommend the elimination of all meat from the diet. That is really not necessary. However, if all meat is to be eliminated, dieters must take care to ensure they are getting sufficient protein in their diet. There are many good vegetable sources of protein. Dieters, therefore, need to consume those vegetable sources of protein if they are going to eliminate all meat from their diet.

Alcohol should only be consumed in moderation. Too much consumption of alcohol can significantly increase the toxicity level of the colon.

Smoking should be completely eliminated. Even a few cigarettes can significantly increase the amount of toxins found in the colon. Besides, smoking is just plain bad for many other reasons.

People may want to consider a decent supplement to keep their colon clean. Although a proper diet by itself can be sufficient for keeping the colon clean, it is hard for most people to eat a perfect diet all the time. Because of modern lifestyles, many people have to sometimes eat foods with fairly high toxin levels . Also, we live in a more toxic world than our ancestors did. Our ancient ancestors did not have live with air pollution, which is also a source of toxins. Most supplements work by giving the body a boost of anti-oxidants and probiotics. Of course, supplements only help to keep an optimally clean colon. They are not very useful if people consume a bad diet.

In sum, a good colon cleansing diet is really based on some simple eating habits that most people all ready know are good for them. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Minimize consumption of red meat. Drink plenty of water. Drink alcohol in moderation and do not smoke. Finally, consider a good colon cleansing supplement.



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