Virtual Gastric Band: When You Want to Lose Weight Without Surgery


Although this is in fact a quick and easy solution for weight loss, the costs of this kind of surgery can be tremendous and can entail many risks. Instead a safer and cheaper alternative is to try virtual gastric band weight loss.

So what exactly is a virtual gastric band? Well, the virtual reality comes from hypnosis. Through hypnotherapy, you can feel that you actually have a lap band inside of you, which will allow you to eat smaller portions of food while feeling full. A virtual gastric band weight loss procedure requires no surgery at all and is even a long term solution to weight problems.

The start of the procedure doesn’t involve scissors and scalpels, but instead a hypnotherapist. A session usually lasts around one hour and you will feel relaxed during the virtual surgery. Not only does a virtual gastric band weight loss solution allow you to eat less naturally, but it will also allow you to uncover reasons why you overeat and other issues contributing to being overweight.

Many clients have not only seen a reduction in weight but many other health benefits as well. Many Weight Loss specialists admit that “in addition to losing weight, most client see their cholesterol level drop, blood pressure reduced and in the case of diabetics their blood sugar lower.”

Success stories are growing more and more over the entire world about how many men and women have benefited from undergoing virtual lap band “surgery”. Those who have tried other fat burning programs without any success are finding virtual gastric band fat burning programs far more effective. It isn’t like going on a diet – in fact, it isn’t a diet at all. It just changes the way you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat as opposed to complicated calorie calculations and skipping meals. Not only that, because this is a long term slim down program, you will develop eating habits that are healthy and right for you so that even far beyond the days where you get your old body back, you will still be able to maintain your weight by eating properly thanks to your virtual gastric band.

Having a lap band tied around your stomach can not only be dangerous but uncomfortable and painful at times. The risks are just way too much to go through with a surgical procedure. The safest way to work at losing excess body fat and weight is definitely to go with hypnotherapy and find a virtual gastric band weight loss solution right for you.

By: Todd Stofka

Todd Stofka, the founder of Philly Hypnosis is an accredited Performance Hypnotherapist. Having spent the past decade helping thousands of people free from their addictive behaviors, be it weight management, lack of self-esteem, or smoking, Todd is definitely able to “rewire” your negative thoughts or behaviors and assist you in prevailing over all sorts of obstructions.