The Meal replacements Diet

The Meal Replacements Diet

The Meal Replacements Diet

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The Meal Replacement diet review

In very special occasions when weight ‘fast fix’ is required desperate people will do every possible thing to get rid off excessive pounds. Most of them probably will use some ‘magic’ pills, extreme diet programs or even food substitutes as well known slim fast shakes.

Yes its true, when needed even “slim fast” could take to consideration. No matter how hard it is to replace real food with snack, chocolate bar or strawberry shake when the duty calls we are there to starve ourselves but achieve better looks needed.


The theory behind the diet

The diet, as we all know, is limiting or restricting some high calorie value foods and utilizing of stored fats as energy source for daily activities, in long term provides weight lose.

Meal replacement diet with 1,200-1,400 calorie intake daily provides easy way to take control on the food consumed and promotes fast weight loss.



Is it difficult to follow the diet?

No, in fact it’s quite easy. Get the most popular meal replacement as ‘Slim fast and follow instructions.

The general idea is replacing breakfast and lunch with food replacement as favored taste shake, soup and bar, and having healthy 600 calorie meal at dinner. 2-3 snacks with 100 calorie intake are allowed during the diet. Dinking of 6-8 glasses of water is essential to wash out toxins.

For a dieter who’s suffering from a lack of time slim fast ready meals are available too. To assist in long term weight loss maintaining slim fast supplies even written information with guidelines regarding to right eating habits, safe and healthy weight loss and living active life style.


What is the Estimated weight loss rate?

The weight loss during the diet regimen is determined by total calorie intake during the day and your activities. One with extreme activities could lose more than others with lower level of activities.

An average dieter is estimate to lose about 1-2 pounds of excessive weight during the week.


How safe and healthy meal replacements are?

There are clear directives which are manifested by law, about ingredients and meal replacement content.

By the guidelines meal replacement should contain 200-400 calories with no less than 25% protein and 23 essential vitamins and minerals in content.

By the healthy eating regulations, it’s recommended that adult have about 18gr fiber daily when the meal replacements provide about 5-6gr fiber for meal.

Snacks, fruits and vegetables are included in the diet plan, are completing the required amount.

Meal replacements are not the only nutrition sources opposing to the popular belief. They are differences between very low calorie diets which provide only 800 calorie intake per day and couldn’t be recommended as healthy and safe weight loss promoters.


Meal replacement diet Pro’s

The biggest benefit of the diet is fast weight loss in short time period. The old belief that meal replacements can’t be useful for long term weight loss are widely researched and there are some claims that they certainly can assist to maintain long term weight loss.

The meal replacements are convenient in usage; you don’t have to worry about the food and calorie counting as already done.


Diet Con’s

Long term trials for research purpose are provided in the UK,USA and Germany.

Most of the studies were provided with meal replacement products free of charge.

  • Known fact is that people would stick the diet if they buy the products themselves with their own money.

  • Most studies used meal replacements as part of a comprehensive research program which includes support and dietary advice from health professionals. There is almost no information about dieters which bought and used meal replacement products in diets on their own.

  • Finally, in most studies only overweight or obese individuals were involved – few of the studies was made on normal weight individuals with a Body Mass Index of 20-24.9, willing lose a small amount of weight.

Another crucial problem with meal replacement diets is that they do not invest in education of the dieter to healthy eating habits. It’s certain that replacing a high-calorie breakfasts and lunches with a shake, soup or bar will result in weight loss. More certain is that returning to poor eating habits when you stop taking the products, you will gain the weight back again.

Nutrition experts recognize that to make meal replacement products are effective in long term weight loss, it’s essential to provide required education and advice support on healthy eating habits when meal replacement products are no longer used.

Dieters who are concerned only with “quick-fix” weight loss; education about healthy eating habits isn’t always a priority.


Who do Meal replacements suit?

As British Dietetic Association recommends meal replacement diets are considered dieters with a simple approach to weight loss and don’t want to think about planning or preparing individual meals – calorie and portion controlled meals make it easier to follow the diet.

Dietitians in Obesity Management UK approve that diet the will be useful for people with lack of time or have difficulty with preparing meals and calorie control or understanding on portion sizes.


Who does the meal replacements do not suit?

Many people find the diet boring after a while because of the limited flavors. In general, if you enjoy variety of foods in your diet and like to cook, you will not enjoy surviving on meal replacements. The meal replacements aren’t for you if you hate strawberry, chocolate and vanilla milkshakes.

And when it comes to money, it has to be outlined that this diet is quite expensive – most meal replacement products are quite pricey. Those with low budget can afford much more if they’ll buy fresh fruit and vegetables. Individuals suffering from lactose intolerance, most of the products won’t be suitable as they are based on skimmed milk.


Are the products suitable for people with diabetes?

According the studies using meal replacements is safe for overweight or obese individuals with type 2 diabetes. However, it’s best to preliminary consult with doctor, before any weight loss plan, including one based on meal replacements, as medication might need to be adjusted as a result.


Side effects of the diet

There are no publications about adverse side effects of using meal replacements. Some time ago when meal replacements were considered as ‘quick-fix’ weight loss supplements it led to a yo-yo dieting. Most of the dieters piled the weight back at once they returned to their eating habits.

Today, dieters can maintain long-term weight, if they consult with professional support and stick to a healthy, balanced diet even when they stop consuming the products.


Expert’s opinion

Although meal replacement products are available for quite some time, until now most health and nutrition professionals didn’t recommend them for safe weight loss. But now, thanks to the results of the studies, several major health organizations recommend the meal replacements as a suitable option for weight loss.

The National Obesity Forum, The British Dietetic Association and Dietitians in Obesity Management UK claim that meal replacements are alternative to other conventional dietary treatments and may benefit some people.

However, they also recommend investing more in education about healthy eating habits combined with some physical activities, as the safest way to long term weight loss.



To summarize it all, we can claim with confidence that meal replacements are safe and may assist in achieving “quick-fix” weight loss. Results of researches are approving the safety of meal replacements and weight loss ration was achieved by motivational and professional support provided to the dieter during the restrictive diet regimen. Although, more research is required to determine suitability of the meal replacement diets to dieters who are looking for a small “fix” in their weight.

Usage of meal replacements is probably safe and unlikely to cause any harm for short term diet but there is more research to do about how successful these replacements are in long-term weight maintenance.

It is crucial to understand the basics of healthy eating habits and stick to guidelines to prevent weight gain after weight loss goal is achieved.

Anyway, during the whole diet process dieter must follow well balanced diet plan to avoid complications which might be caused by a lack of necessary vitamins or minerals.

Awareness to eating habits, well balanced diet plan and some physical activities might assure successful weight loss and long term weight maintaining too.

And a word of caution: If you still feel the urge to try the meal replacements diet, there is not particular reason why you should avoid it.

My suggestion to all dieter is: You should use meal replacement diet plan in order to “quick-fix” your weight and when desired weight is achieved switch to a longer-term healthier eating plan according the guidelines described above to enjoy eating “proper” food and live healthier lifestyle!


More about Meal Replacement Diet:–fi-2108253.html

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