Successful Weight Loss Step #1 – Your Commitment

Successful Weight Loss Step #1 – Your Commitment

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»  Weight Loss Success Begins In Your Own Mind


No matter what you do or how experienced you are the first step is always the hardest to do…

And… it is the most important one either. It determines how you end up with your task. To succeed you have to be mentally prepared for it… you have to program yourself to succeed. In short it’s all about your mindset.

Yes, everything begins with your mind and your determination.

How your life is going to look and experiences in your life, the happiness and your success, and even
the things you want to accomplish, all that begins in your own mind.

»  Feel the excitement that weight loss will bring you!


You are at the beginning of your journey… You want to lose unwanted weight – I admit not an easy task at all.
And it’s natural if you have doubts about if it is possible… if it is it doable…

I have only one answer for you! … Yes!

You can do it! … and it’s entirely up to You.

You have to have a plan and you need to commit yourself to your weight loss. I didn’t
mean that you start repeating over and over “Yes, I want to lose weight”.

It will not help you much… Instead you need to feel the excitement that weight loss will bring you.

You need to program your subconsciousness… you need that the thought about how you would feel if you lost weight right now, will sink into your subconsciousness… your mind needs to turn the message to the part of you… you have to feel how it become the part of a new you… towards your goal. This mental skill applies to any goal you want to accomplish, even weight loss.

If you get excited with your journey there is no way to not succeed.

»  Project yourself into the future for a moment


  • Wouldn’t you rather hanging out with your friends at a restaurant and not feeling anxious when you order a burger, ice cream or cream pie…
  • Wouldn’t you rather see a slender, sexy reflection in the mirror and know that that person is you… how would you feel if you Knew that you are handsome looking again?
  • Or can you imagine how your friends would react if they saw you coming into the room confident that you look fit, slim and handsome…

»  Your dreams WILL come true only if you never give up!


happy friendsRight now you probably feel that this might be just another dream for you.. but hey… dreams can and they will come true if you take this first step!

What you need is to decide here and RIGHT NOW that you want to change!

What you need to do is make a decision that you will not give up and no matter what!

Every single day and even several times a day remind yourself why you are doing this… why you are committed… and remind yourself how you want to feel when you lose weight.

Does it matter if you have failed a 100 times already?

No, this time you can make it… this time you will succeed… and
remember, never give up!

When you completely commit yourself and religiously follow (you should there is no other way) next 3 steps – you WILL succeed.

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