Rapid Weight Loss – There Really Is Only One Way


Finally the big secrets of rapid weight loss are revealed.

An article was published in the New England Journal of Medicine about research completed by Washington University and the University of New Mexico. The twist in the tale is that the research was based on those over 65 years old. People over 55 normally report that losing weight is extremely difficult because of changes in metabolism and hormone levels.

The study took 107 stable older people all of whom had a BMI of over 30. Your BMI is calculated by taking your height and your weight and following a set formula.

Ideal weight is considered to be a BMI of 18 – 24 Overweight is considered to be a BMI of 25 – 30 Obese is considered to be a BMI of 20 – 35 Morbidly Obese is considered to be a BMI of 36 or more.

The study had four different groups to which the participants were randomly assigned. The four groups were:

Control group – no changes made to their diet or exercise regime Diet only group – this group was advised on diet and given 500 to 750 calories less per day than their previous eating routine. Exercise only group – this group was given an exercise plan and they exercised three days a week. They were advised to follow their previous eating plans so there was no reduction in food calories. Diet and Exercise group – this group was placed on the diet and exercise program combined.

Many people ask me if simply exercising more will allow them to lose weight if they leave their diet alone. I normally say no. Your diet plays about 75% of your weight loss and exercise the remaining 25%.

This study found that the Control group and the exercise only group lost no weight at all. Please read that again. The exercise group lost no weight at all. We can not assume that a few extra trips to the gym are going to make up for a poor diet (or a rich one depending on how you look at it).

The diet only group lost an average of 21.3lbs and the diet and exercise group lost 18.92lbs.

Physical performance improved 10% in the diet only group, physical performance improved 14% in the exercise only group and physical performance improved 20% in the diet and exercise group.

So then what is your aim? Is it to just see the numbers go down on the scale? Or is it to feel better, look better and enjoy every day feeling as good as you can.