How to Lose 100 Pounds Without Surgery


Needing to lose a lot of weight in a short space of time, like 100 pounds in 6 months, can seem very difficult, particularly if you’ve struggled to lose weight in the past, with little success. In situations like this it can often be tempting to seek more drastic solutions like surgery, or weight loss pills and other appetite suppressing drugs.

Well, I’m here to tell you that it certainly is possible to lose 100 pounds in 6 months without surgery. Many folks have done it, and though I wouldn’t say it is easy, it certainly beats all the other fake forms of weight loss like surgery and pills.

If you want to lose 100 pounds without surgery the first thing you must do is find examples of folks who have been there, done it, and got the proverbial T-shirt. A simple online search will yield loads of forums, and personal success stories, where people lay their whole heart out on the screen for you, showing you their ups and downs in their battle to lose 100 pounds without surgery.

Follow the folks who have done it using completely natural methods…changing their diet, setting a solid exercise routine, and setting and following personal goals. Remember that if these folks can do it, then anyone can do it.

Stories like this are so inspirational when beginning your quest to lose 100 pounds without surgery, as you’ll see what is possible when you set your mind to it, and won’t get discouraged when things get tough. You’ll also find yourself making some great friends who can share your successes and provide a shoulder to cry on when things get hard.

Mindset will be key to achieving your success and managing to lose 100 pounds without surgery. Setting goals and breaking them down into smaller achievable units will really help you out, as you’ll see when you begin to go off track and can readjust your routines and diet accordingly. It will also help you to tick off the small successes as and when you reach them.

Dieting is a cornerstone of your goal to lose 100 pounds without surgery. You see, I think where much of the modern attraction for weight loss surgery comes from is the idea that dieting is a painful, pleasure-less hardship that doesn’t really help you lose significant amount of weight.

Much of the media and dieting journalism is to blame for this in my opinion as they have made dieting far more difficult and complicated than it should be.

In order to lose 100 pounds without surgery, sure you’re gonna have to cut back on certain foods but you don’t want to starve yourself as this will actually stop you losing weight! So the good news is you will be eating regular healthy meals…in fact you may find yourself eating MORE regularly…

The reason for this?…

Well, by eating smaller meals more regularly, you will help to stabilise your metabolism, and this combined with a good exercise program will help to blowtorch the fat off faster than a surgeon’s knife…well, not as fast as that, but you’ll look better, feel better, and will be slimmer for far longer than the person who chose to go under the knife.

Some foods will actually help you burn fat instead of put it on. Some good fat-burning foods are green fibrous vegetables like broccoli, asparagus, green beans and lettuce which contain virtually no calories and are a great slow-release carbohydrate. You can eat as many as you want, ideally with a lean protein like chicken breast.

Watch out for processed carbs like you’ll find in white bread. This release energy very quickly which leads to quick energy boosts but a drop and hunger later on. They also play havoc with our blood sugar levels throughout the day and encourage snacking…a big no-no if you want to lose 100 pounds without surgery.

Do You Need To Exercise To Lose 100 Pounds Without Surgery?

The answer to this I’m afraid is YES. You see, dieting will help to reduce and stabilise your caloric intake, but it’s the exercise that will create a caloric deficit, basically meaning that you’re burning more calories than you’re consuming, which will wake up the body’s furnace and say, “hey, I’m running out of energy here, I need some more fuel…let’s burn these lovely energy-rich fat deposits that are just lying around”. And hey presto, those pounds start coming off!

Your exercise regime should provide a good balance of cardiovascular work (i.e. jogging, swimming, cycling, or other fun sports like basketball, soccer or tennis), as well as some solid weight training.

Don’t worry the aim is not get big vein popping muscles like Arnie, but to tone up your body as you begin to lose those pounds and boost your body’s fat loss potential.


Well, it is a known fact that the more muscle you have, the faster your body is able to process and get rid of fat, therefore making you less liable to suffer from the onset of excess pounds later on. This is one of the best reasons to lose 100 pounds without surgery, as you’ll actually be in control of your body weight for as long as you want. Surgery is often a quick-fix method, which doesn’t really attack the problem. You can lose 100 pounds without surgery…so go get ’em tiger!