Body Building Diet Tips For All

Natural Body Muscle Building Diet Nutrition Tips

Natural Bodybuilding Diet

Bodybuilding has become a popular trend in today’s healthier lifestyle. When you choose to shape up with bodybuilding, it comes with a lot of challenges.

Bodybuilding challenges include discovering the true meaning of commitment, self-discipline, dedication and strength – both mental and physical. As well as heavy workouts and exercises, it is also important to have a healthy diet.

Body Building Diet Tips

A natural bodybuilding diet can be a very good diet meal plan, to help you easily achieve a great bodybuilder figure.

For many people bodybuilding is synonymous to a strict and specially designed diet plan. Though exercise and cardio has a great role to play but body building diet enhances and facilitates prompt construction of muscle mass.

An ideal muscular and well-built body is one with ample muscles tissues and no trace of flab. Now this is a common fact that the muscles require more calories as they are very much active. Hence you need to consume adequate nutritional foods so that the need of vitamins, proteins and to some extent carbohydrate is met properly.

Proper Nurition for Muscle Building

Some of you are probably thinking of the dietary short cuts that include artificial protein bars or steroid pills for muscle building. But they often exert adverse effects on your health and the problems are experienced in the long run. This is always better to take help from a natural diet plan specially chalked out for you keeping your food habits and requirements in mind.

Your diet chart should include ample protein foods like milk and egg-white. But keep away from high calorie sugary foods, saturated fat and red meat.

The meal plan should suggest you short and healthy meals several times a day. Eating a large amount at a time will not help you. This is because small and repetitive meals increase the metabolism power of the digestive system and not much calorie is accumulated in any part of your body.

  • After every 4 hours when your body reaches a catabolic condition you will take some food.
  • This aid is fat loss and muscle gain.
  • The average number of meals should be within 4 to 6.

The constituents of the food are very important when it is all about body building.

The ratio of protein, carbohydrate and fat should be optimum in the meals.

  • The ideal amounts are 40% of protein and carbohydrate and only 20% of fat. If your food is lacking in any one of them you will face a different problem for that.
  • Deficiency of carbohydrate leads to lower energy level and lack of protein results in excessive fat deposition with less muscles.

Sampe of Well-Balanced Bodybuilding Diet

Nutrition plays a crucial role in a bodybuilder’s physique and performance. One way to reach your fitness or bodybuilder’s goal is to understand the concept of a good nutrition meal plan and nutrition timing.

This is a typical natural bodybuilding diet meal plan.

This diet meal plan must carefully meet the calculated specific requirements of daily energy and other basic micronutrients, to make the goal of having lean muscle and of decreasing your fat mass.

07:30 Breakfast

3 eggs, 100gm wheat bread, 300ml orange juice,

10:00 Protein shake break

500ml skimmed milk, 30gm milk protein powder, 1 banana (100gm)

12:00 Lunch

1 piece large chicken breast grilled without oil, 150gm brown rice, 5 florets steamed broccoli

3:00 Protein shake break

250ml apple juice, 250ml skimmed milk, 30gm milk protein powder

6:00 Dinner

200gm medium salmon steaks, oven baked, 100gm broccoli, 100gm asparagus spears

7:30 Post workout shake

250ml orange juice, 250ml skimmed milk, 30gm milk protein powder

9:00 Supper

50gm slice of chicken breast, 400gm quark or cottage cheese, 100gm cherries

Diet Tips for Beginner Body Builder

Fitness bodybuilding is an art. To get those muscles and sculpt them to a perfect body needs proper nutrition and specific exercises.

Basic micronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and fats should always be present in your bodybuilding diet, since you are not taking any supplements or steroids.

   — Proteins are building blocks of muscle tissue, which are necessary for the reconstruction of your muscles during training.

  —  Carbohydrates will help give you the energy needed for your workouts and also are essential to gaining muscles.

   —  Fats are also important for building muscles and assisting the body in functioning properly.

You will find that once you have been on this bodybuilding diet for a short time you will soon begin to feel the effect it is having on your body.

Getting a Smart Start in Bodybuilding

If you wish to gain muscles in a smarter and faster way then there is a small piece of secret for you.

  • You should follow a high-calorie-diet for 5 days of the week and follow a low-calorie-diet for rest two days.
  • The higher calorie means at least 2500 and 1500 calories for women. But the calorie intake should also depend on the kind of physical exercises you do.
  • If you are leading an active lifestyle then slightly higher calorie consumption will not make a difference.

Bodybuilding Diet Mistakes to Avoid

Some bodybuilders make a big mistake by completely eliminating carbohydrate from their diet. This can give rise to many other problems like

  • energy loss,
  • fatigue,
  • diziness etc. which are not desired at all.

So make sure you have fat and carbohydrate both in the diet chart so that the body building diet provides a complete health solution apart from generating muscle mass.

Editors Verdict

When deciding on bodybuilding the natural way you actually choose to build your physique without taking any drugs such as steroids, pro-hormones, or other banned substances.

This means that there is no substitute for hard work in the gym and a disciplined diet.

Being diligent and determined will make you a successful bodybuilder.