Best Way to Lose Belly Fat

Best Way to Lose Belly Fat Learn how to get a flat belly the easy way

Learn How to Get a Flat Belly the Easy Way

Losing your belly fat is a big challenge for many people. It’s an undeniable fact that losing belly fat cannot be done in a matter of days.

Only if you are lucky and more determined than others you can manage and to reach your goal after a few months but in the real world in most cases, it will take years to see noticeable results.

To help you go around with this intricate matter, in this article we will tell you the best ways to lose belly fat fast… what works, what doesn’t and why.

How to Get a Flat Belly — The steps

Regardless how effective these ways to lose belly fat fast are, they are all pointless without action. And, there’s no better time to start it but now!

It’s not enough to simply look at the mirror to evaluate your current condition. Apparently, to successfully eliminate belly fat, it is essential to reduce your overall body fat. Various guides helping in achieving this goal are teeming on the internet today. The Large number is making it hard to determine which ones actually do work.

To save you from the confusion, here are 4 key factors that can help you decrease your overall body fat and eventually get rid of your ugly bear belly once and for all.

There are several keys to controlling belly fat:

Step #1 Evaluate the current diet and lifestyle
Step #2 Know Why Losing Belly Fat is So Difficult
Step #3 Modify your diet
Step #4 Burn the fat
Step #5 Tone the muscles for the flat belly
Step #6 Get Enough Good Night’s Sleep
Step #7 Managing Stress

Step #1 — Evaluating Your Diet and Lifestyle

  • Observe what types of food you consume on a regular basis.
  • Make notes in your journal how many times you eat daily and the time of consumption.
  • Write down the daily activities with the time spent on these activities

That way you can clearly see what causes weight gain and helps in formulate a sensible and realistic weight loss plan.

Step #2 — Know Why Losing Belly Fat is Difficult

Belly fat, just like other fat deposits in the body, are in fact excess calories that failed to be converted to energy. This could be due to excess calorie intake from the food we eat or due to sedentary lifestyle.

There is no way that can help you lose weight from specific area. Unfortunately, a bunch of exercises that are targeted towards one particular area do not work. Although some of these exercises will undoubtedly help you strengthen specific muscles and improve overall appearance, yet, the effect can be not as impressive as you may have previously thought.

The human body isn’t burning fat in one specific fat storage when it needs energy but is taking off a bit by bit from everywhere. “All fat is challenging to get off, period,” says Howard J. Eisenson, MD, medical director of Duke Diet & Fitness Center at Duke University Medical Center, however “belly fat is not particularly tenacious fat to get rid of… it actually comes off fairly easily. Frankly, if you reduce calories and exercise more, you will lose weight everywhere — including your abdomen.”

Another big challenge of losing belly fat is that people too often neglect the most important component of weight loss — the food they eat. Many dieters are unaware of some of the best fat burning foods and how they can incorporate them into their diet. This is imperative in order to lose weight fast and keep it off.

In the end it is the combination of eating the right foods and being physically active that makes it the fastest way to lose belly fat. Thus, the only way to flatten the stomach is by getting rid of the excess calories, toning the belly muscles to get the most desirable six-pack abs.

Step #3 — Make Dietary Modifications

Losing belly fat in the least possible time is not about not eating foods high calorie content. In contrary, consuming the right kind of carbohydrates can help you solve this problem.

Studies have been made to compare individuals who consume substantial amount whole grains such as brown rice, popcorn, dark brad, couscous, bulgur wheat, and cereal fiber to those who eat less of these types of carbohydrate source. The results affirmed that the mentioned carbohydrates sources can help you slash out inches of your waist line in a matter of months or even just a week!

By adding fiber-rich foods in your meals, you’ll feel fuller without overeating. Fiber is also a known antioxidant which can cleanse your body from all sorts of negative compounds. However, always be reminded that anything in exaggeration will end up with bad results.

The secret is to eat the right kind of food and keep their amounts enough to satisfy your hunger.

Step #4 — Burn the Fat with Whole-Body Exercise

If you want to flatten you stomach then there is no need to make workouts that train only one part of your body. The key to success and having a flat belly is mixing up your movements. Only when you lift, perform supersets, train muscles in various parts of your body, the alternations between sets of lower body exercises and upper body exercises, while your lower body rests your upper body is working and keeps burning fat.

“People have this misconception that the best way to strengthen the abs is to get on the floor and do a thousand crunches. If we could spot reduce, our jaws would be hollow,” Says Liz Neporent, wellness consultant in New York. “We probably work the jaw muscle in talking and eating more than any other, and none of us have hollow jaws.”

Through regular execution, you’ll eventually notice excess fat accumulated in your stomach fading away like magic day after day. Also, increasing your cardio workout’s intensity and duration might do the trick but it’s important to consider weight training as well.

Fat breakdown works more like an automobiles engines. The faster you go in a short period of the time, the more gasoline it will consume.

The results of a study from 2009 show that a 30 minute cardio exercise involving intense routines end up with better weight loss results in the tummy area than a 50 minute workouts following a steady pace. This is true even if the same amount of calories were burned in the process.

The great way for doing cardio exercises is going to the gym. Best calorie burning machines include treadmills, elliptical trainers, versa climbers, stair mills, stationary bikes, rowing machines, and ski machines. Also, dancing is one of the best activities that burn the fats and get that belly to warm up for the abdominal muscle toning exercises.

Step #5 — Tone the muscles for the six pack

  • When a flat stomach is achieved, it is now time to move to the next step and that is to tone the abdominal muscles.
  • How long does it take to get a six pack depends on how hard you are willing to work out.
  • There are three major muscles in the abdomen, the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and the internal and external oblique.
  • When you’re able to shape these muscles, especially the rectus abdominis, you would surely get the six pack abs.

Best workouts to flatten the belly are captain chair leg raise, floor bicycle crunches, plank pose and side twists for the oblique muscles.

#Step 6 — Getting Enough Good Night’s sleep

Everyone needs to sleep. A good night’s sleep helps keep your mind and body healthy. Good sleep is necessary for optimal health and can affect hormone levels, mood and weight. There are many things that can cause sleep problems. Stress, Depression, Poor sleep habits, such as watching TV in bed or not having a regular bedtime schedule, Changes in your sleep habits or surroundings, Other health problems, such as pain, breathing problems, and restless legs syndrome, Stimulants, such as caffeine or certain medicines, Lack of regular exercise — all these could be the reason for not getting enough sleep at night.

Adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night. If you are having trouble sleeping, make changes to your routine to get the sleep you need. Avoid heavy foods and big meals late in the day and see if this can help resolve your sleeping problem.

#Step 7 — Stress Management and Effective Ways to Relieve Stress

The best way to manage your stress is to learn strategies how manage stress. All these stress-relief strategies focus on relaxing your mind and muscles in your body. You can start practicing one or two of following techniques that work for you right away. It’s vital to practice these techniques until they become habits you can turn to when you feel stress. You can also use this coping strategies form to see how you respond to stress.

There are several ways that can help you relax your mind:

Write – Writing about things that are bothering you, stressful events and how they made you feel, for 10 to 15 minutes a day can help in coping with stress. Tracking your stress can help you find out what is causing your stress and how much stress you feel.

Let your feelings out — Talking, laughing, crying, and even expressing anger when you need to is a healthy way to relieve stress. Talk with friends, family, a counselor, or a member of the clergy about your feelings.

Do the things you enjoy — You may feel that you’re too busy to do these things but making time to do something you enjoy: hobby, creative activity, caring for pets or volunteer work can help you relax.

Meditation and guided imagery are two ways to focus and relax your mind. When you meditate, you focus your attention on things that are happening right now. Paying attention to your breathing is one way to focus. Mindfulness-based stress reduction is one form of meditation that is very helpful with managing stress and learning how to better cope with it.

Looking for Best Way to Lose Belly Fat fast? Loosing a belly fat can be a big challenge for many of us and it cannot be done in a matter of days but tips in this article certainly can help you learn how to get flat belly the easy way and the fastest way possible.