Natural Body Defense Anti-Inflammatory Support – Review of Dietary Supplement


Supplements For Inflammation Supporting Natural Healing

Natural Body Defense Anti-Inflammatory SupportIf you ever experienced swelling, redness and pain as a result of any kind of injury or infection than you likely to know that this is a natural consequence of inflammatory process. Discomfort, swelling and pain normally last until the body heals itself and inflammation goes down.

The term “inflammation” is too often used in our everyday language. But, many of us not always know what the real meaning of this expression is. According to Wikipedia, “Inflammation is a natural body defense act against an infection or injury”. When open cuts, a muscle sprains or injuries in the body are left untreated, typically are condemned by virus, bacteria or fungus and the process of inflammation begins to take place.

The body in order to heal itself from the disease causing irritants and to get rid of the pathogens and damaged cells, triggers its immune system and initiates the healing process.

The white cells in the blood release chemicals that fight the foreign objects in the body. Increasing blood flow and delivering healing chemicals to the injured or infected area is the first response of the immune system of our body. That way enhanced blood flow to the wounded area allows oxygen and nutrients to restore tissue or repair damage in cells.

Relieve the Discomfort of Inflammation a Result of Exercise or an Active Lifestyle

Signs of Inflammation in the Body

Warmth, redness, soreness, swelling, tenderness, stiffness and loss of function are more or less of the indicators of an inflammatory condition.

Common Names of Inflammation

Inflammation, a protective response of the body, is known by different names based on the where it appears –

  • asthma (air passages)
  • sinusitis (sinuses),
  • arthritis (joints),
  • dermatitis (skin),
  • rhinitis (nose).

How to Help the Body Heal from Inflammation

Although, the way how the body is dealing with infections or irritants is beneficial, yet, it cannot be left to its own. Untreated inflammatory process can lead to developing more serious health conditions.

Anti-Inflammatory medications are normally used to help the body heal injured part of the body.

Types of Inflammation processes

There are two types of Inflammation: Acute and Chronic.

  • Acute inflammation, like a cut, sore throat, sore muscles or sinus usually go away after a short period of time.
  • Chronic inflammation occurs when the body is unable to eliminate the source of inflammation and remains in an inflammatory state. This can eventually lead to chronic diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease. By reducing chronic inflammation — also known as low-grade or systemic inflammation — you may be able to boost your defense against several major diseases.

Choose Natural Body Defense formula to Help Relieve the Discomfort of Temporary Inflammation

The Truth about Anti-inflammatory Supplements

Taking supplements for inflammation can support rather than suppress the healing process.

However, eating healthy diet and good overall self-care, rich in certain natural substances along with alternative therapies, the risk for chronic inflammation can be significantly lowered.

The most common over-the-counter medications aimed to support the natural healing process are:

  • Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs – NSAIDs,
  • Acetaminophen,
  • Corticosteroids and
  • ImSAIDS (Immune Selective Anti-Inflammatory Derivatives).

The medications hinder the outcome of enzymes known as COX or cyclo-oxygenase. These enzymes do the synthesis of prostaglandins which in turn control the appearance of pain and inflammation at an injury site. In doing so, they ease different types of pain including headaches, migraines, menstrual cramps, joint pain, muscle and ligament pains.

The supplements that are used to fight infection and reduce stiffness show noticeable results after a few weeks of use.

Natural Anti-Inflammators

If you are looking for the most powerful mean to fight inflammation, you have to realize that such mean comes not from the pharmacy, but from local grocery store.

Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health says: “Many experimental studies have shown that components of foods or beverages may have anti-inflammatory effects”.

Natural supplements that aim to help in healing of inflammation in the body typically are made of natural compounds rich in phytonutrients and powerful antioxidants.

Natural Body Defence Anti Inflammatory Support Supplement Review

How these natural compounds combat inflammation?

They are effective in not only getting rid of toxins and protecting the cell structure but they can even avert impairment from free radicals and block the appearance of tumor-like growths.

Natural anti-inflammatory supplements typically contain ginger root extract, wood spider, turmeric, grapple plant, hyssop and cannabis.

Side Effects of Anti-Inflammatory Supplements

These supplements, when taken in the prescribed dose, do not produce adverse effects. However, when the suggested dosage is exceeded mild side effects can occur. In such case, stop using the medication and seek immediate medical help.

Although Anti-Inflammatory medications can be obtained over-the-counter, yet, that does not mean they are without potentially serious side-effects. The most common side-effect is irritation of the stomach. The cause of this is thought to be due to the effect on the stomach lining. If the irritation is severe, it may lead to bleeding ulcers, and potentially serious complications.

Before you start taking Anti-Inflammatory medications you should talk to your doctor. Be sure to let your doctor know about other medical problems you have, especially hypertension, asthma, kidney, or stomach problems. In addition, let your doctor know other medications you may be taking, and if you have any known allergies to medications.

How to Prevent Developing of Inflammations In Your body

IMPORTANT:  Foods You Eat Can Be Contributing to Inflammation.

Omega-6 fats

Diet high in sugar, highly processed carbohydrates and rich in Omega-6 fats can be a major contributor to inflammation. Glucose molecules attach to proteins and injure walls of blood vessel. Such eating habit triggers the body to respond time after time with inflammation in its effort to heal. In addition, consuming too much Omega-6 oil, initiate production of cytokines that directly leads to inflammation.

Inflamed blood vessels trap cholesterol and leads to a host of chronic diseases.

Free Radicals

Free radical damage is another major source of inflammation.

Free radicals are unstable substances that always present in our bodies. Physical, environmental and emotional stress can cause an over production of free radicals and cause an imbalance in the bodies.

Free radicals activity damages our cells as they attack and damage neighboring molecules. They “steal” an electron to make themselves whole and stabilize the structure. But, the cells they “stole” from become free radicals that in turn creating a chain reaction.

Damaged cells can no longer take in nutrients or expel waste efficiently, and prematurely die.


Antioxidants are compounds that help protect our cells from free radical damage and other sources of inflammation. Antioxidants have the power to capture and destroy free radicals, help our cells to function optimally. Since there are many different kinds of free radicals in our body, we need different sources of supplements for inflammation from vegetables, fruits, botanicals, and fish to combat inflammation.

natural body defence review

Anti Inflammatory Support or Foods Good for Fighting Inflammation

You can reverse inflammation by eating whole foods and fresh unprocessed food.

You can find plenty of antioxidant power in the produce section of your grocery store:
tart cherries, blueberries, broccoli, kale, peppers, cabbage, spinach, nuts and seeds, avocados, and sweet potatoes to name a few.

If you prefer to take supplements for inflammation, here are some powerhouses that the body can use:

 Omega-3 (fish or krill oil capsules, chia or flax seeds, and walnuts).
Rice Bran has positive effects on stabilizing blood glucose levels as well.
Moringa Olifera has shown anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer, and cardiovascular benefits as well.
Gotu Kola helps the generation of skin cells by strengthening the skin, boosting antioxidants in wounds, and increasing blood supply to the area.
Ashwagandha — found in tea – supports healthy endocrine, cardio pulmonary and the central nervous system.
Green Tea – powerful antioxidant – enhancing the cardiovascular system. Catechins in green tea inhibit the formation and growth of tumors and lower cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol.
Turmeric as adaptogenic herb helps support your body against environmental and physical stress. It is known to foster healthy cardiovascular, immune, and digestive systems. Antioxidant benefits come from curcuminoids. It combates the most reactive of all oxidants, the hydroxyl radical.
Grape seed is known to support cardiovascular and gastric systems, eyes, skin and brain.
Goji berry, while known for immune enhancing properties, is one of the most nutritionally rich berries on earth. It is a complete protein source, containing 19 amino acids, 21 trace minerals and B and E vitamins.
Acai berry contains the highest known values of antioxidants in the world. They promote healthy cholesterol, have shown promising results in fighting cancer, boosting the immune system, and is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
Noni fruit supports the elasticity of the skin, cellular regeneration, fights free radicals and infection, and supports immune function by stimulating production of white blood cells. Noni tea is a great way to ingest this fruit.
Aloe Vera is an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory especially good for the immune and digestive systems. The polysaccharides in aloe, lubricate the joints, brain, nervous system and the skin. They also have a calming effect on digestion. Tests on rats show that Aloe Vera inhibits arthritis, edema and inflammation.

IMPORTANT: Many of these antioxidants can be found in tea, whole food concentrates, and supplements for inflammation. You can either drink the tea or add the whole food concentrate to prepared foods or drinks.

Finally, be careful of pasteurized products as it destroys or diminishes much of the beneficial nutrients that we have been discussing.

Learn More about a Natural All in One Solution for Reducing Inflammation

Health Benefits Of Anti-Inflammatory Support

For relief from temporary inflammation try all-natural Anti-Inflammatory Support based on herbal ingredients

All of these herbs and ingredients are some of nature’s top components that produce a powerful and synergistic formula that address the issue of temporary inflammation due to an active lifestyle.

Powerful Protection Found Nowhere Else

By synergistically combining these herbs, extracts, enzymes, and flavonoids Anti-Inflammatory Support is able to provide unparalleled relief from pain associated with all kinds of inflammation.

Staying active is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and you can support that active and hearty lifestyle by arming yourself with Natural Body Defense Anti-Inflammatory Support formula.

Choose Natural Body Defense and Relieve the Discomfort of Inflammation


Natural Body Defense All Natural Anti Inflammatory Support

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