Following a Vegetarian Diet

How to Eat a Healthy Vegetarian Diet

What Can a Vegetarian Eat? — Following a Vegetarian Diet

A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat or fish, although there are many variations to the diet.

Most people are familiar with the term ‘Vegetarian’ and accept the idea that some people do not want to eat meat.

People are becoming more educated on the slaughter of animals and where our produce comes from, that we are making our own choices on what we put on our plate.

There is still some confusion about the differences in vegetarianism, as each ‘type’ of vegetarian restricts slightly different foods from their diet.

As a rule, vegetarians do not eat meat, poultry or fish.

They cut out animal fats altogether which may be in foods like ice cream and some cheeses.

A vegetarian cannot have jelly or jelly sweets as they are made from gelatin.

This is a substance made from boiled bones, intestines and organs of cattle and pigs.

As a rule, vegetarians do not eat meat, poultry or fish.

They cut out animal fats altogether which may be in foods like ice cream and some cheeses.

A vegetarian cannot have jelly or jelly sweets as they are made from gelatin.

This is a substance made from boiled bones, intestines and organs of cattle and pigs.

Leather clothing, accessories or furniture are not used by vegetarians as leather is made from animals.

Some will eat eggs if they are free range chickens, but not from ‘battery’ hens which are kept in cramped unhealthy conditions.

Some vary what they eat.

An Ovo Vegetarian will eat eggs but not dairy, while a Lacto Vegetarian will have dairy but no eggs.

An Ovo-Lacto vegetarian is a combination of the two, and will have dairy, eggs and honey.

Some people limit themselves to what meat they will eat. They may avoid red meats and just stick to poultry and fish.

They will tend to refer themselves as being semi-vegetarian.

Vegans — Following a Vegetarian Diet

A vegan will exclude all animal products from their diet altogether. Not only do they avoid meat poultry and fish but they will not have any food from an animal.

This includes milk, cream, cheese, eggs, and honey.

It is a strict diet, so all ingredients must be thoroughly checked when buying food.

Vegans avoid products or their ingredients which have been tested on animals.

Anything from shampoo to makeup needs to be researched before used.

There are many different reasons why someone is vegan. It may be an animal rights issue, where they believe it is wrong to kill animals for their meat or fur.

They disagree with the produce of milk and eggs for human consumption and the way some animals are kept.

It could be a personal or religious choice. The idea of eating animal products simply may not be appealing.

Accepting Vegetarians — Following a Vegetarian Diet

It can be restricting if you wish to eat out and you are vegetarian or vegan. Going to restaurants or eating on the run means checking the options and what has gone into the food.

Most foods and dishes are labeled as being suitable for vegetarians, but it is not always easy to determine whether your pastry is made with lard or you ‘veggie’ burger was deep fried with the meat ones.

Make sure you can always ask someone if it contains meat or lactose. Ask the waiter if you are in a restaurant for help.

Most good eateries will be accommodating.

Food Choices — Following a Vegetarian Diet

There are many options out there when buying and cooking food.

For those who were once meat lovers and have switched to the veggie life, it can be harder and adaptions need to be made.

There are variations of meat substitutes which come in different forms.

Virtually any meat dish can be made using veggie meat or Quorn.

There are meat free sausages, burgers, ham and chicken that can replace the regular ones.

Vegetarian gravy is available, and Shepherd’s pie or Lasagna can be made from veggie mince.

If you can’t stand to drink black coffee, try Soya or Rice milk.

It can be added to drinks or be cooked with and is easier to digest than cow’s milk.

You can buy sweetened or non-sweetened Soya milk and you can add it to your mashed potatoes or porridge.

Eggs are slightly harder to replace but you can use different ways to bind or thicken dishes.

Try using cornflour, tomato puree or breadcrumbs in savory dishes. There are recipes to make cakes without eggs and butter can be replaced with olive oil.

Interesting Meat Free options — Following a Vegetarian Diet

Many recipes do not have to involve meat or a meat replacement.

By cooking curries with chickpeas, tomatoes, and spices you have created a tasty meal without the need for chicken or beef.

Accompany it with noodles, rice or pasta for a low-fat yet filling dinner.

Some of us don’t make use of the wide range of vegetables available. Use aubergines, courgettes and plum tomatoes for a vegetarian Lasagna.

Make a quick stir fry with bean sprouts, mange tout, and baby sweet corn.

A sweet chili sauce mixed in will add an extra flavor.

Or try roasting red onions, parsnips, garlic and chunky carrots for a winter warmer.

By blending sweet potato, red pepper, onion, and pumpkin, you have a hearty soup.

For all the Family — Following a Vegetarian Diet

Whether it is a family member or guest who is vegetarian, it doesn’t mean making separate meals for them.

Make healthy veggie meals once or twice a week for the whole family.

Beans, lentils, and pulses are packed with protein, and spinach or cabbage is full of iron.

Tofu, mushrooms and haricot beans add a meaty texture to casseroles or soups and is great for nutritional value too.