Hollywood Diet – Best Way to Lose 10 Pounds Fast

Fruit smoothies for Hollywood diet

If you are looking for the best way to lose 10 pounds fastHollywood diet plan can be the best solution for your problem. It has proven itself in Hollywood during the last few years among movie celebrities by its effectiveness.

Hollywood diet plan is flexible, low carbohydrate diet based on reducing high carbohydrate products (potato, bread, different porridge and sugar) in your daily menu. This diet plan is also known as Hollywood Detox Diet plan and it effectively forces your body to burn extra fat.

Special combinations of products stabilize level of insulin and speed up body metabolism.

If you are thinking to start Hollywood Detox Diet plan in order to achieve optimal health, as well as weight loss, you may definitely have a few questions about it.

For your convenience, I am mentioning herein some common questions that would help you find your goals regarding a slim and vigorous body:

How do we define a Hollywood Detox Diet?

Duration of Hollywood diet is one week.

After each week spent on this diet plan it is recommended to have one week on a regular diet. For this week you will be able to lose 5 pounds minimum.

For breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner choose one from three specially developed lists of products.

Breakfast: one from the list 1 and one from the list 2.
Lunch: one from the list 1, one from the list 2 and one from the list 3.
Snack: one from the list 1, one from the list 2 and one from the list 3.
Dinner: one from the list 1 and one from the list 2.

List 1 – Fibers

-Two eggs (an omelet, fried or boiled eggs)
-One tea cup of low-fat cottage cheese
-120 ml of fat-free milk or 120 ml of fat-free organic yogurt and half of portion of any product from the same (list 1)
-110 g of a low-fat pork ham (allowed to change it for low-fat beef, turkey or chicken without skin)
-170 g of tuna or other low-fat fish (allowed to change for the same amount of sea molluscs)
-Two tablespoons of any nut paste (peanut, almond, etc.)
-60 g of any low-fat cheese
-One tea cup of boiled soya or soya cheese or tofu
-30 g of any nuts

List 2 – Fruits / Vegetables

-Two tea cups of any fruits or two slices of the average size of one fruit (it is allowed to eat one slice at one time and another later)
-Six tea cups of any raw vegetables or salad from them
-Three tea cups of any boiled vegetables, except peas and corn
-One and a half tea cup of corn or green peas
-60 g of dried fruits

List 3 – Carbohydrates

-One slice of black bread
-One small pancake
-Half a cup of boiled rice or pasta with tomato sauce
-Half a tea cup of boiled potatoes or as much peas, string beans or corn
-One average ear of corn or four flat cakes from corn flour (very thin and without sugar)
-15 g of low-calorie crackers or potato chips
-Two tea cups of popcorn without butter
-The best set of fruit and berries for this diet: grapefruit, pear, dried apricots, lemon segment, strawberry, cherry or sweet cherry.

It is recommended to drink a big glass of water before each meal.

Hollywood Detox Diet – Solution to Fast Weight Loss

It is a diet plan that is mainly designed to rinse our bodies of extra toxins and other harmful materials that have been mounted up in our bodies. Though cleansing can be done by various ways, they offer quick and amazing response in this matter.

Why people should go with Hollywood Detox Diet?

It is 100% natural and makes no harmful effects upon your body. Additionally, you can plan to take it because you can feel great improvement in weight loss within 14 days minimum.

Not only this, it is more effective, if you are suffering from acne and skin problems, and digestive disorder.

What are the negative aspects of Hollywood Detox Diet?

They do not have lots of the bad substances actually, but if there are some bad effects of it, the good effects outweigh them by a long turn. However, you must remember that this type of diet does not supply complete nutrition to your body the longer you go with it. There it can be said that Hollywood Detox Diet may deprive bodies of necessary nutrients that are key source of energy for our body.

What you should avoid during Hollywood Detox Diet plan?

When you are undergoing the diet plan, you must avoid junk foods, meat, milk-made products, chicken, white sugar, beer and alcohol, breads, pasta, salty foods and chocolates. Having these foods during diet plan may lead to gaining overweight.

What you should eat?

Under a Hollywood Detox Diet plan, you should eat green vegetables, fruits, beans, lentils, brown rice, potatoes, steamed fish, unprocessed nuts and seeds, herbal or green tea, fresh fruit juices and natural yoghurt.

How long should you stay on a Hollywood Detox Diet?

First of all, the answer of this question depends on the results that you are craving for. However, it starts showing its impacts within a minimum 14 days when you get rid of a good amount of extra weight from your body. And if you have a lot of weight to lose, consider following a 100% diet until you reach your ideal weight.

The Hollywood Detox Diet can be considered as a more permanent answer to lose extra weight and gain optimum health even in future.