How to Get an Instant Tummy Tuck Without Surgery

Instant Tummy Tuck Without Surgery Ardyss Mens Abdomen T shirt

Everyday there are thousands of tummy tucks, breast lifts, liposuction, plastic surgeries, etc. taking place as people look to become more physically attractive, and thus feel better about themselves.

As springtime approaches and the weather warms, coats will come off and millions of people around the world will be looking to present a slimmer, trimmer figure to the world. Diets will be all the rage, the sounds of treadmill engines and other exercise machines will resound across the land, and gym memberships will rise yet again.

Recent studies now suggest that elective surgeries to augment or reduce, and otherwise reshape the bodies of Americans are at an all-time high and rising.

  • But what if you could present that slimmer image without undergoing the surgeon’s knife, or without starving yourself, or spending countless hours in the gym?
  • What if there were a safe, healthy, and relatively inexpensive alternative to any of the above?

There is, and this alternative has been around for centuries. It is called shapewear.

You probably know shapewear by other names such as girdles, corsets, fajas, reshapers, or even stays. Mostly made for women, shapewear has mostly been used for reducing or “cinching” the waist, raising and shaping the breasts, and producing an hour-glass type figure.

Additional benefits of reshapers includes tightening the midriff, supporting the back, improving the posture to help a woman stand straight, with the shoulders down and back, slimming the hips and upper thighs, and of course, narrowing the waist, creating a ‘V’ shaped upper torso.

The shapewear of old was often very uncomfortable though. Corsets and stays in particular were known to restrict bending and sometimes even breathing.

Tight corseting was thought to be responsible for indigestion and constipation. So this leads one to ask whether shapewear is an healthy alternative to diet and exercise.

  • I am not suggesting that compressing body parts with shapewear is somehow preferable to exercise and/or a healthy diet.
  • I believe that reshapers can be used while other means weight loss is pursued. That being said, some body shapers are a healthy alternative to diet and exercise, some bodyshapers even promote weight loss.

The bodyshapers created and sold by Ardyss International make such a claim. Ardyss produces over 20 different reshaping garments, including body suits, corsets, vedettes, support bras, panty girdles, and even abdomen t-shirts and corsets for men.

Ardyss also has an impressive array of nutritional supplements and de-toxification cleansers to further promote weight loss. But Ardyss International’s signature product is the Body Magic

Like many of Ardyss’ products, the Body Magic is designed by an orthopedic surgeon and boasts of a process called “Lipo Transportation” that simply means moving a person’s fatty tissues to move desirable locations. However, the Body Magic’s signature boast is that it will allow a woman to “Drop 2 to 3 Sizes in 10 minutes with No Diets, Exercise, Surgery or Pills”. I’ve heard numerous accounts of the reduction of back pain, promotion of perfect posture with proper alignment of the spinal column, and promotion of permanent weight loss.

Some believe that the permanent weight loss happens because the pressure exerted on the abdominal cavity causes people to feel full sooner than normal and thus they eat less food. This pressure also leads to the appearance of a tummy tuck.

Other benefits are purported to be a rounding and lifting of the bottom, elimination of back fat, love handles, and underarm fat. If there is any complaint that I’ve heard about the body magic garment, it is that the garment is very difficult to put on the first time.

As a man, I cannot personally vouch for the supposed benefits of the Body Magic, even though I have a mother, three sisters, and a niece who all swear by the Body Magic.

I have and do wear the Men’s Abdomen t-shirt though.

The first time I put it on, I was amazed that I could get into a pair of old tight slacks with relative ease, and that when I put on my belt, utilizing the last loop, there was actual slack in my belt. So much so, that I decided to go without the belt instead of having it dangle. It is also nice to get that “have you lost weight” question several times during the day.

  • I will admit, the first time I put the abdomen t-shirt on, it was hard to get it over my mid-section. But since then, it goes on pretty easy. It also took me a little while to get used to wearing it.
  • I also noticed that I tend to both sit and stand more erect while wearing it, which for some reason makes me feel more confident. Anyway,

I can with all certainty state that I instantly dropped at least two belt sizes while wearing the garment, and that I can comfortably get into pants that I can’t otherwise wear at all without the garment.

So I know that Ardyss shapewear works for me and provides the instant gratification that we all desire.