How to Lose Weight Before Wedding – A Simple Tip

How to Lose Weight Before Wedding Simple Tip

Lose Weight Before Wedding – Be Slim and Fit Again

Have more than a couple weeks left to lose weight before wedding?

If you watch what you eat, workout every day and two weeks later you do not see anything new on the scale, you must be doing something wrong.

But you can fix it!

To lose weight before wedding, you really need a diet.

But when you diet, your leptin (leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that helps regulate appetite and promotes normal insulin activity) levels drop down.

And this means, your metabolism drops down also!

Metabolism slows down, and you start burning less calories than you could. But when you overeat, your leptin levels spike and your body raises your metabolism.

You can use this to your benefit to lose weight before wedding!

So here is what you can do: choose one day to pig out. Eat whatever you like and as much as you really want to.

Just a little constraint to lose weight before wedding – do not pig out all day.

Choose just one meal. And after that one meal, get back to your usual weight loss program.

You might notice a slightly higher number on the scale the next morning, but this is a temporary result, it will drop down quickly!

It is best if you choose the time to pig out in the morning – because your metabolism is higher in the morning compared to any other time of the day.

This simple thing can help you to lose weight before wedding and shrink your waist easier.