How to Make Homemade Creamy Caramel Ice Cream

Homemade Creamy Caramel Ice Cream

Creamy caramel ice cream is a real favourite in my house.

In this recipe I show you how to make a rich, creamy caramel ice cream that tastes delicious on its own or as an accompaniment to many other desserts.

Recipe for Creamy Caramel Ice Cream

475ml Double Cream
225ml Full Fat Milk
125g Pale Brown Sugar
4 Large Egg Yolks
1 Vanilla Pod

First of all make the caramel in a heavy bottomed saucepan.

Heat 50g of the sugar in the saucepan until it starts to dissolve.

Take off the heat and add 100ml of the cream, carefully as it is likely to bubble and spit.

Return to the heat stirring continuously until you get a sticky caramel consistency.

Put to one side.

In a second pan scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod in to the remaining cream, add the milk and heat until the liquid is almost boiling. DO NOT LET IT BOIL.

Take off the heat and pour over the caramel, stirring so that the caramel is well mixed.

In another bowl place the egg yolks and the remainder of the sugar and whisk until all the sugar is dissolved.

Pour this mixture in to the pan with the caramel and cream mixture and heat gently, keeping the mixture well stirred so that the caramel does not turn lumpy. After ten minutes the mixture should have thickened.

Pour the mixture in to your Ice Cream Maker and churn.

Once it has finished freeze and enjoy.

This works very well with poached fruit such as pears and especially well with barbequed bananas.

Below I have also included a quick and easy recipe for a beautiful caramel sundae.

Caramel Sundae

2 Scoops Caramel
1 Scoop Vanilla
1 Banana
2 tablespoons Dark Rum
25g Butter
25g Brown Sugar
2 Ginger Biscuits
Whipped Cream
2 pieces of Dark Chocolate

Crumble the ginger biscuits in to the bottom of a tall sundae glass and add the dark rum.

Fry the banana in the sugar and butter until soft and then slice.

Place a scoop of caramel ice cream in the glass and add a few slices of banana.

Then follow this with the vanilla, more banana, the final scoop of caramel ice cream and top with the remaining banana slices and the whipped cream.

Finish off by shaving the chocolate pieces over the whipped cream.

Add a bit more caramel sauce if like me you really can’t help yourself.