Hypnosis For Weight Loss Without Surgery

Weight loss through Hypnotic virtual gastric band

Can Hypnosys Help In Weight Loss?

For decades hypnosis has been successfully used to help people lose weight.

This latest technique is a virtual operation combined with cognitive-behavioural therapy. One of the pioneers in this field has many satisfied clients in Spain and England. His brand of virtual gastric band with hypnosis is called Hypno-Band.

Gastric Band surgery — physical or virtual — is not for everyone. Usually the surgery is only carried out on people classified as “obese” and with a Body Mass Index (BMI) over 25.

Weight loss surgery works by reducing the size of the stomach and therefore you eat smaller portions and feel full. Through this method it is possible to lose weight steadily and easily.

However, this surgical procedure may not be covered by Medicare (Canada’s social medicine program). And may cost thousands of dollars. More importantly, you would need to go through the operation.

Hypno-Band – Virtual Gastric Band

Now you can have all the benefits of a surgical Gastric Band, without the surgery!

You could spend $16,000 for a surgical implant of a gastric band with all the risks that surgery entails or you could spend $1500 for a totally-safe virtual gastric band with no adverse effects.

Imagine having the results usually achieved by through surgery but without being cut open.

By using the hypnotherapy system you create a state of mind where you believe you actually have a Gastric Band fitted!

You will eat smaller portions and feel full.

This is a long-term solution to your weight problems because it not only deals with the symptoms of excess weight but with the underlying reasons why you are obese.

How does it work?

Over four once-a-week sessions you are taken you through the process of having a gastric band fitted, only in your mind.

  • By using suggestion, cognitive behavioural therapy and visualization your mind will be convinced that your stomach has become smaller and that you need less food.
  • By eating less you will lose weight.

The hypnotherapy practitioner coaches you in how to change your thoughts, your feelings and your behaviour because the virtual operation is only one part of the process to help you achieve your ideal weight — and stay there!

Hypnotic virtual gastric band programs offer you more than just the virtual operation: you will be helped hypnotically to uncover and deal with the reasons you overeat and how to eat safely and healthily after your virtual band is installed.

This is a highly personalised program tailored to you individually. Success rates (meaning a steady reduction in weight of one to 2 pounds a week) in Europe for such programs are in the 70% -80% range.