Information on Diets For High Cholesterol


Every day thousands of Americans learn that they need to reduce their high cholesterol readings. Looking to super foods to lower cholesterol is one of the wisest things you can do in that it will improve many areas of your health and avoid the dangerous side effects of these statin drugs that your doctor may recommend.

These side effects have become commonplace to the extent that many doctors are encouraging their patients to find natural alternatives to medications. It turns out that one of the best alternatives is by making changes to your diet so that it includes foods that lower cholesterol.

Making use of the super foods to lower cholesterol can quickly bring down high lipid readings. Super foods are a category of foods that contain such high nutrient levels that they have been shown to fight disease and support health in many different ways.

Most of these foods also contain cholesterol lowering substances such as fiber and plant sterols. Vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach and brussels sprouts have been proven to be very effective at lowering cholesterol.

Science has confirmed that eating the proper foods is one of the best natural ways to lower cholesterol. They have found that the real protection comes from some of the different natural chemicals in the food.

For instance it is well known that an orange contains large amounts of vitamin c. But a lesser known fact is that all the other nutrients in an orange (there are dozens of vitamins and minerals) work synergisticly to lower ldl (the bad type) cholesterol and raise hdl (the good type) cholesterol.