Lap Band Surgery Diet – Follow It

Lap band surgery diet plan

Lap band really will be effective when if you change your lifestyle according to your diet. Your diet plans and types will play an important role in weight loss.

You have to change your diet after lap band surgery. It is highly important to behave according post-operative diet.

Lap band limit/control the intake of food. Diet plan is divided in to stepwise.

That means according to duration after surgery. When you leave hospital right from there you diet is going to change totally. Your hospital dietitian will give you a chart of lap band surgery diet which you have to follow.

In the first few weeks after lap ban surgery there is highly prohibition of not giving so much stretch to your stomach pouch.

Right after surgery you can take a sip of water or suck on an ice cube. You should not drink more than this. The day after surgery you can take more fluid but only a small amount at the time. Along with water you can also take clear liquid that have fewer amounts of calories.

Tea and coffee is highly prohibited.

During the first phase of 1-2 weeks after surgery you have to take only liquid. You should drink lots of water. You can drink —soup which contains no vegetables or meat, clear broth, skim milk, fruit juice and popsicles without sugar.

In the second phase that means 3-4 weeks after surgery. You can start with slightly textured foods. First start with eating protein enriched food and then move on to fruits and vegetables. You can take foods like—–Pureed skinless fish or chicken, mashed potatoes, peas, low-fat yogurt or pudding etc. You should not eat more calories enriched food.

After 5 to 6 weeks you can start modified full liquid diet. You can include tender cooked food in to your meal like fish and ground turkey.

What to consider about lap ban surgery diet

When you are on the liquid, try to drink slowly to prevent vomiting or nausea. This may cause slippage of lap band and re-operation. Try to take two ounces of a protein shake every hour for ten to twelve hours a day with two ounces of other liquids such as soup, baby food, or sugar-free gelatin three times a day.

Excess amount of protein only recommended because protein deficiency may cause hair loss, edema, fatigue, muscle weakness, delay in wound healing, depression, anxiety, irritability, apathy, as well as gallstones, colds, headaches, low blood pressure, anemia, irregular hear rates, and, some times death too. The amount of protein can be monitored by a serum albumin blood test.

When you start taking textured food then you should eat slowly by making tiny bites. At the time of solid food too pay more attention. Lap band restricts solid food not liquid food. Liquid pass quickly but solid makes some problem. So never eat large chunk food.

Only eat small food.

Eat not in a once. Slowly- slowly eat three or four times in a day in a small amount. Stop eating when you feel full.

Chew your food properly. Never drink water before or after the meal and also in between the meals. When you feel problem then only drink in between the meal. You should not snack between meals. Make sure that whatever you are eating is full of nutrients and has fewer calories like fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals, fish, meat, poultry, eggs etc.

You can drink black coffee and tea with low-calorie sweetener.

What food to avoid

There are some food which you have to avoid such as — Dried fruits, asparagus, Pineapple ,Rhubarb ,Corn (especially popcorn), Grapes, Nuts and seeds (walnuts, whole peanuts, almonds), Carbonated beverages, High calorie foods/drinks, sugary foods, alcohol, chocolate, chips, pies, pastries, ice-cream, bacon, sausage, fried foods, cream soups, cream sauces, syrups, honey, jelly, jam, cakes, cookies, candy, ice-cream, milkshakes, soda, beer, orange juice, apple juice, other fruit juices, whole milk, pasta, rice, doughy breads, Fibrous foods etc.

You have to take more care on your lap band surgery diet. The above discussed length of phase may be altered according a patient’s personal weight and weight loss goals.

Make a full conversation with your surgeon and take full notes.