Gastric Mind Band Hypnosis – Weight Loss Without Surgery

Gastric band hypnosis therapy treatment success

Losing Weight – Gastric Mind Band Hypnosis

The Gastric Mind BandTM is a hypnosis procedure that promises to change the lives of obese and seriously overweight people who’ve been unsuccessful at losing weight using other methods.

This program replaces actual Gastric Bypass Surgery with a hypnosis-based alternative aimed at achieving the same effect of reducing the amount of food the stomach can take in one meal.

The Concept

While this type of surgery of the mind is not new its application in the field of weight loss is pioneering. The concept of the Gastric Mind BandTM was the brainchild of two hypnotherapists named Martin and Marion Shirran who have successfully marketed their trademarked product, GmB, in Europe through the Elite Clinics of Spain.

Researchers and scientists over the globe agree one of the keys to health, well-being and personal development, lies in understanding the mind/body connection. The technique of convincing the subconscious mind a gastric band has been placed around the neck of the stomach is an example of leveraging on this connection.

Requirements of The Treatment

Gastric band hypnosis, as a treatment therapy, is safer and less costly than having the equivalent surgery performed. It ‘s also less restrictive on how long you chew food and what you eat – but the concept of smaller portions is instilled doing the hypnosis sessions.

It requires multiple hypnosis sessions to not only cover the “installation” of the virtual band but also alter behavior patterns of the patient. Many people squeamish or anxious about the thought of gastric bypass surgery will be more inclined to review one of these virtual gastric band hypnosis programs.

But can you convince your subconscious mind you’ve had surgery when you never did?

The hypnotherapy techniques used need to be more elaborate than a traditional direct suggestion hypnosis session.

The Treatment Success Rates

One patient was told to imagine her stomach had shrunk to the size of a golf ball. Her brain responded well to the hypnotic suggestion which is evidenced by the weight she lost. In the four months following gastric band hypnotherapy she had dropped from a dress size 22 to a size 14.

This patient’s experience of her gastric band installation was so real she described the procedure in a very detailed manner. She remembered being wheeled into the operating room, the smell of the anesthesia and the sound of the knife the surgeon was preparing to use on her.

A similar experience was described by another patient who was 325 pounds when she sought help from a hypnotherapist in the U.S who was trained by the creators of the gastric mind band. At the age of 47 this patient felt her weight had taken control of her life. Ten months following the mind “surgery” she had lost 120 pounds and is now back in the drivers’ seat of her own life… and the “band” around her stomach is still doing what it was designed to do.

Effective Alternative to Surgery

The virtual gastric band “operation” is happening around the world many times on an annual basis. However what makes it so unique is it takes place in the subconscious mind. There is no operation, no anesthesia, no cutting and no recuperation period.

The hypnotic suggestions are placed in the subconscious mind which convinces the body the stomach will only hold a certain portion of food.

The Shirrans have reported a high success rate with their Gastric Mind BandTM – over 74 percent. In the past four years they’ve treated over 400 patients with this form of weight loss hypnotherapy. They have plans to offer their treatment at The Benestar Centre in New York City in the near future.

While these virtual gastric band procedures may not be the panacea for all people who want to lose weight, for many who have exhausted every other option, it offers an alternative for them to consider without resorting to a real surgical procedure.